The Reformed view of monergism has God enabling man to respond to the gospel through what is called "gospel regeneration". Now, God makes a man able to respond, yet man has a duty to answer that call. Now, if man has to respond to God's calling, then that would be at best, "pseudo-monergism":
So here it shows God givng man the abiliity to hear, see, come, respond, etc., yet there's the duty of man to do these things prior to be saved.
Now, let's take a look at the PB's model of synergism:
Now, I can't post a link to this, because I used this very link about a year or so back in the ORB History forum, and the link I used then, no longer works. It's on page 71 of the ORB History forum.
As far as I know, none of the Reformed, or at least a vast majority, would not hold to this belief. The PB's view on monergism is truly the only truly monergistic view out there.
Now, let's not turn this into a bash the PB's thread, okay? I was just showing everyone that only the PB's have a truly monergistic view.
Monergism (Greek mono meaning "one" and erg meaning "work") is a term for the belief that the Holy Spirit is the only agent who effects regeneration of Christians. This view, held by Reformed and Calvinistic groups, sees salvation as the work of God alone, from first to last. He has chosen in eternity past whom He will save out of lost humanity (often referred to as the elect), and in His timing He will bring the elect to faith through the work of the Spirit for the sake of the Son, and save them forever to the praise of His glorious grace (Romans 8:29f). This is opposed to the synergistic view as held by Arminianism and its theological predecessor Semi-Pelagianism where salvation is seen as a cooperative effort between God and man.
Quoting John Hendryx, "Monergism simply means that it is God who gives ears to hear and eyes to see. It is God alone who gives illumination and understanding of His word that we might believe; It is God who raises us from the dead, who circumcises the heart; unplugs our ears; It is God alone who can give us a new sense that we may, at last, have the moral capacity to behold His beauty and unsurpassed excellency." - A Simple Explanation of Monergism
So here it shows God givng man the abiliity to hear, see, come, respond, etc., yet there's the duty of man to do these things prior to be saved.
Now, let's take a look at the PB's model of synergism:
Do Primitive Baptists preach infants in Hell ?
Answer: No, the doctrine preached by Primitive Baptists is the only message which leaves any hope for infants, the feeble-minded, and the heathen, most religious groups preach that one must hear and understand the gospel, actively obey the gospel, and manifestly believe on Christ, in order to become a child of God. But the great message of grace which is so firmly believed and preached by Old Baptists, declares that one may be a recipient of the mercy of God without hearing the report of it through the gospel and even without fully understanding what has taken place in his heart. If infants, the feeble minded, and the heathen must hear the gospel preached by man and actively repent and believe the truth, then there is no hope for them. But since salvation is by the sovereign grace of God through the work of His Son, we know that He will save His own regardless of their circumstances in life (Rom. 8 :34-39; Rom. 11 :28; II Tim. 2 :13, 16-19) .
Now, I can't post a link to this, because I used this very link about a year or so back in the ORB History forum, and the link I used then, no longer works. It's on page 71 of the ORB History forum.
As far as I know, none of the Reformed, or at least a vast majority, would not hold to this belief. The PB's view on monergism is truly the only truly monergistic view out there.
Now, let's not turn this into a bash the PB's thread, okay? I was just showing everyone that only the PB's have a truly monergistic view.