What does that have to do with anything? We're not talking about children drowning, we are talking about unrepentant vs repentant sinners. We are not talking about four children drowning, we are talking about four sinners under the just wrath of God. He saves by grace through faith those who repent and believe. Those who do not believe abide under the wrath of God.
You cannot emphasize God's love at the expense of His Holiness and the justice of God. Love without justice and Holiness does not at all define the love of God. Therefore, the drowning children analogy does not apply, at least not to what I am saying. Because like I said, I believe God draws all men, and no one can come unless they are drawn, but God gives them a choice as to whether they come or not.
Justice is a tool to bring things back to harmony. God is not sadist.
If your idea of Jesus would let children drown. Pathetic.
I would believe your worship of evil is an insult to God.

That's our difference. Evil believes POWER is a virtue. Good will back up kindness and love against all odds.
If the "GUN" that decided if you went to heaven or hell was in the Devil's hand rather then God's. Sure enough there would be plenty of cowards serving the devil. Of course he would call himself God too and claim everything he does was righteous.
I am not a coward.
Everything I fault you for is on the sake of mercy kindness. Satan only accuses and seeks the suffering of others.