My daughter (third child) graduated from Pensacola Christian College with a teaching degree. I don't have a clue as to her choice other than she claims teaching is her forte'.
She is now teaching at her second Christian School and has been there starting her 4th year.
Now here is how it usually works in a Church Sponsored School. Not All Mind You..., but many of them.
First, the Pastor remains the Pastor. The Pastor's wife becomes the Principal by default. All the Deacon's wives who so desire to become teachers..., become blessed to do so through special anointment. I don't really know how this works in most churches but in some, folks are ranked according to their contributions.
In the first Church School that my daughter taught in the "office politics" were absolutely horrendous. These women could not get along no matter what. You couldn't get 100% of them to agree that it was raining outside. Daily fights; daily arguments; daily temper flareups; back biting; gossip; snide remarks; notes of wrong-doings posted everywhere for all to see and basically, the school days resembles a business meeting at a Southern Baptist Church.
Back in the 70's we had our first two children in a Christian School. There were three kids in the class named David. Their last names were Miller, Marshburn and Melton. Each of these kids signed their papers, "David M".
One day the teacher grabbed hold of my son and shook him all over the classroom accusing him of cheating on the test. Once my son was able to regain his focus he said, "...that isn't my paper." He was accused of cheating in front of the entire class.
When I found out about it I put him in the car and to school we went..., after of course, I had secured a 15 minute appointment with the Principal..., which in this case was the Pastor.
An hour and a half into this meeting the Pastor finally said, "...well, it is our intent here at the FSRBC School to teach honesty and integrity to all our students..." at which time I butted in and asked, "Then if my son was accused in class of cheating why wasn't it mentioned in class that he was in fact not guilty of cheating? Where's the honesty and integrity in that matter?"
End of meeting.
My daughter is now starting her 4th year of teaching. It hasn't been but two weeks and already the birds of prey are coming out of the woodwork. The asps are coming through the vents. The office politics is in full swing.
Here's the sad part about it. Young children don't understand all of this but they can sense when something is wrong. They can feel the tension. It makes them uneasy and fearful. ...and we're creating this atmosphere in the name of the Lord?
When, in Gods Name, are adults going to grow up and mature evolving into what our Lord expects adults to be? It's absolutely shameful! Church's and Church Members are their OWN WORST ENEMIES and can't see it because of the gossip surrounding Sister Joyce and her inability to afford dress suits for Sunday Morning Service!!!
People MAKE ME SICK!!! Especially those that should know better but refuse to do so. THERE SHOULD BE NFFICE POLITICS IN ANY CHURCH FUNCTION!!!
Study the ant and become wise? This is not only about "work" but also, WORKING TOGETHER. Stinking ants are smarter than humans?
People MAKE ME SICK!!! Ignorant people that is and just because someone is absent a college degree does NOT make them ignorant. You want to be ignorant? Join a Baptist Church and jump right into the office politics.
"Some" people make me sick!!!
She is now teaching at her second Christian School and has been there starting her 4th year.
Now here is how it usually works in a Church Sponsored School. Not All Mind You..., but many of them.
First, the Pastor remains the Pastor. The Pastor's wife becomes the Principal by default. All the Deacon's wives who so desire to become teachers..., become blessed to do so through special anointment. I don't really know how this works in most churches but in some, folks are ranked according to their contributions.
In the first Church School that my daughter taught in the "office politics" were absolutely horrendous. These women could not get along no matter what. You couldn't get 100% of them to agree that it was raining outside. Daily fights; daily arguments; daily temper flareups; back biting; gossip; snide remarks; notes of wrong-doings posted everywhere for all to see and basically, the school days resembles a business meeting at a Southern Baptist Church.
Back in the 70's we had our first two children in a Christian School. There were three kids in the class named David. Their last names were Miller, Marshburn and Melton. Each of these kids signed their papers, "David M".
One day the teacher grabbed hold of my son and shook him all over the classroom accusing him of cheating on the test. Once my son was able to regain his focus he said, "...that isn't my paper." He was accused of cheating in front of the entire class.
When I found out about it I put him in the car and to school we went..., after of course, I had secured a 15 minute appointment with the Principal..., which in this case was the Pastor.
An hour and a half into this meeting the Pastor finally said, "...well, it is our intent here at the FSRBC School to teach honesty and integrity to all our students..." at which time I butted in and asked, "Then if my son was accused in class of cheating why wasn't it mentioned in class that he was in fact not guilty of cheating? Where's the honesty and integrity in that matter?"
End of meeting.
My daughter is now starting her 4th year of teaching. It hasn't been but two weeks and already the birds of prey are coming out of the woodwork. The asps are coming through the vents. The office politics is in full swing.
Here's the sad part about it. Young children don't understand all of this but they can sense when something is wrong. They can feel the tension. It makes them uneasy and fearful. ...and we're creating this atmosphere in the name of the Lord?
When, in Gods Name, are adults going to grow up and mature evolving into what our Lord expects adults to be? It's absolutely shameful! Church's and Church Members are their OWN WORST ENEMIES and can't see it because of the gossip surrounding Sister Joyce and her inability to afford dress suits for Sunday Morning Service!!!
People MAKE ME SICK!!! Especially those that should know better but refuse to do so. THERE SHOULD BE NFFICE POLITICS IN ANY CHURCH FUNCTION!!!
Study the ant and become wise? This is not only about "work" but also, WORKING TOGETHER. Stinking ants are smarter than humans?
People MAKE ME SICK!!! Ignorant people that is and just because someone is absent a college degree does NOT make them ignorant. You want to be ignorant? Join a Baptist Church and jump right into the office politics.
"Some" people make me sick!!!
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