If people are otherwise healthy but are struggling with weight. The best way for me was to only eat once a day for many years now, or if you put on a few pounds or are not doing much, cut back to one meal every two days.
After a while you get used to it, and it has very great spiritual benefits as well. If you can eat plain food ie bread and water, something very ordinary and not great tasting, it adds very much to prayer.
In these times the veil is lifting on the spiritual, it’s happening more and more as time goes on. Fasting helps in deliverance and street ministry, fasting has very powerful effects. It adds hydraulic power to prayer, and grace takes you easily.
This is not a time for people to be wallowing in vices, but to attack them hard. The world is wallowing in vices, and it makes people blind and stupid and oppressed and possessed by evil.
A believing man is the truest and total enemy of the dark, when he hands over to Jesus, prays, fasts, and does Almsgiving/ sacrificial giving.
Jesus understands Hot and Cold, He can’t recognise tepid or lukewarm, it doesn’t compute with Him.
Denying self is the first step into the spiritual life, it puts you into the Hot zone, and you are making progress, because if you aren’t making progress, you are going backwards.
The inner life begins with self denial.
Fasting gives you spiritual eyes and many signal graces to help you on the narrow path, fasting makes more space for Jesus in you. When we deny self we welcome Jesus.
Without Jesus we can do nothing.
Say ‘ Lord Jesus, you said that if anyone was to come after you, that first he must deny himself, take up his cross and then follow you. Lord Jesus, I desire this with all my heart, and ask you to help me every step of the way. Lord Jesus I love my comforts and sins, please help me to hate them as they get between you and me, that I may be Hot fire and never be lukewarm or indifferent. Lord Jesus, you must increase and I must decrease, Lord Jesus I love you, Lord Jesus I trust you. ‘
Then having prayed from the heart to Jesus go forward and act.
After a while you get used to it, and it has very great spiritual benefits as well. If you can eat plain food ie bread and water, something very ordinary and not great tasting, it adds very much to prayer.
In these times the veil is lifting on the spiritual, it’s happening more and more as time goes on. Fasting helps in deliverance and street ministry, fasting has very powerful effects. It adds hydraulic power to prayer, and grace takes you easily.
This is not a time for people to be wallowing in vices, but to attack them hard. The world is wallowing in vices, and it makes people blind and stupid and oppressed and possessed by evil.
A believing man is the truest and total enemy of the dark, when he hands over to Jesus, prays, fasts, and does Almsgiving/ sacrificial giving.
Jesus understands Hot and Cold, He can’t recognise tepid or lukewarm, it doesn’t compute with Him.
Denying self is the first step into the spiritual life, it puts you into the Hot zone, and you are making progress, because if you aren’t making progress, you are going backwards.
The inner life begins with self denial.
Fasting gives you spiritual eyes and many signal graces to help you on the narrow path, fasting makes more space for Jesus in you. When we deny self we welcome Jesus.
Without Jesus we can do nothing.
Say ‘ Lord Jesus, you said that if anyone was to come after you, that first he must deny himself, take up his cross and then follow you. Lord Jesus, I desire this with all my heart, and ask you to help me every step of the way. Lord Jesus I love my comforts and sins, please help me to hate them as they get between you and me, that I may be Hot fire and never be lukewarm or indifferent. Lord Jesus, you must increase and I must decrease, Lord Jesus I love you, Lord Jesus I trust you. ‘
Then having prayed from the heart to Jesus go forward and act.