No scripture backing up this absurdity.
"Filthy rags" is old testament Isaiah 64 attributed to apostate Jews.
Just grabbing any statement from old testament and applying it to entirety of humanity is silly.
If we were so totally depraved then the human nature itself is destroyed and there is NO HUMAN to save at all.
"He is not obligated to explain His rationale for His choices."
False Humility is the worst vanity.
GOD freely does explain his rationale and his choice. The denial of God's command is rebellion
God COMMANDS all not to sin, ERGO, WANTS all mankind not to sin, ERGO, wants all mankind to love GOD and neighbor, ERGO wants ALL MANKIND to be saved.
He temps no one to do evil and always gives a way out of sinning.
The reason folks want to deny THE COMMAND and DESIRES OF GOD, is so they can EXCUSE THEMSELVES with a License to SIN.
They want to make it sound like Christianity has an unknown goal and motive not to be questioned when it "appears" EVIL.
The Nazis of Christianity love it that way. (not saying your a Nazi)
1 timothy 1
5But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
6For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion,
7wanting to be teachers of the Law, even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions.
The bible clearly states the GOAL of Christianity is LOVE. GOD IS LOVE. Want to make folks sick to their stomach. Keep mentioning God is love. That LOVE is the absolute highest priority.
1 Corinthians 13.
Love is the END ALL AND BE ALL.
Jesus say "Forgive them they know not what they do" and folks will say that scripture is false.
Stephen prayed for God to "NOT HOLD THE SINS COMMITED against his murderers"
Paul declared He would be willing to be damned to go to hell in place of others who separated from Christ.
Christians sound this way. Believe me Jesus, Stephen and Paul are Christians.
And Christians got no problem agreeing with Jesus they WILL pray it themselves "forgive them they know not what they do". Just like Stephen the will pray on the behalf of even unbelievers.
Just Like Paul I can say I would go to hell if it meant saving my brothers and sisters.
But ,There are folks who CALL themselves Christians they would never EVER...E V E R remotely sound like this.