Now, John,Pet peeve on the BB: Plagiarism. This occurs all the time here. If you quote someone without sourcing, certainly without giving the source's name, you are plagiarizing, and that is not only unethical, it is against the law. To be blunt: If you quote someone without sourcing, you are stealing!
Here in our college, and I would think every Christian college, you can be kicked out if the plagiarism is bad enough.
Can you recall a single original thought? I'm too old to remember any.
The greatest compliment on can give is to be copied.
Musicians, artists, craftsmen, all learn by doing it.
Soldiers, sailors, politicians all perform to that standard.
Preachers, teachers, and evangelists all do it, and are esteemed in their office.
Even Paul encouraged the followers to plagiarize him (or is that too strong a term in Corinthians).
I would rather the student be complimented on thinking so highly of whom they copied that they would desire to emulate that persons thoughts, and encourage that student to be better serve other by stating whom they copied so that more would benefit by such wisdom.
The above is given somewhat tongue in check.