ADHD is nothing more than a child being a child. OCD? People called that desires or lusts in Bible days.
I regret to be so plainly spoken, but at this point it is quite evident.
You don't know what you are talking about.
ADHD is not just a child being a child, and any educator, medical doctor and parent with common sense knows that is an ignorant statement.
OCD is not desire and lust and again shows profound ignorance to even consider posting such.
John 9:1
And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, "Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?"
Jesus answered, "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."
Certainly this person had a factual and "visually" conferrable disability.
He was "born that way" and it wasn't sin.
BOTH ADHD and OCD are recognized brain and cognitive problems. Just as the blind person, ADHD and OCD are a physical problem which under appropriate medication can be helped. Unlike the blind person, in that it is not on the outside or commonly seen ailment (such as the flu or cold), and so many like you dwell in ignorance and denial of the validity of the need for treatment.
ADHD and OCD are not "mental illness" such as schizophrenia or psychosis.
You most likely don't know that ADHD can only come from the FATHER. A mother may have it, but she doesn't transfer it to the child - only the father does through his genetic background. It can also skip a generation from grandfather to the grandchildren.
You probably also don't know that ADHD folks are also highly susceptible to addictive influences such as high risk taking, gambling, drugs, smoking, alcohol, sex, deviancy, ... when they find it gives them the sense of feeling normal.
You probably also don't know that the "negative self talk" of the ADHD child results in the child having unknowing self fulfilling inappropriate behaviors and latter as adult repeat offenders. When the ADHD child shows signs that they don't remember doing something wrong - they actually do not have that awareness. Joey skipping down the hall may be inappropriate in the circumstances, but Joey doesn't even comprehend that he isn't walking quickly. He is not liar, He is not deceitful - he is unaware.
You probably also don't know that bi-polar is a part of the ADHD problem because of the vast mood swings and negative self talk associated with the conditions.
You probably don't know that the medication given to ADHD and OCD folks will actually MAKE THE PROBLEM WORSE if they are NOT ADHD and OCD. Which is one way diagnosticians may use to determine in a child if the problem is a chemical deficit in the neurotransmitters or a parental/environmental problem.
You probably don't know that the typical ADHD child will sit in front of a computer game, captivated by all the stimulus for hours, yet unable to be attentive for five minutes when a parent is griping them out.
You probably don't know that ADHD occurs more often in higher intelligent children than in the lower groupings.
You probably don't know...
I think I'll stop -
Ignorance in your case is not bliss - but blush!