Dr Patricia Quinn, who has more than 30 years experience, states that ADHD is not passed down from the father only. There are no genetic tests to determine ADHD in a child.
The fact is, the reason that there are no genetic tests to determine ADHD is because ADHD is a behaviorial problem, not a genetic one.
And behavior is determined by one's rearing, not a mysterious chemical imbalance. Nor is it caused by an alleged mental illness.
They have only recently (within the last 10 years or so) mapped the genes and are still working on links to behavior, disease, and many other genetic related problems.
There is no credible evidence that all manners of information will not be linked to gene mapping in the next decade or more.
To consider such a claim at this time is highly speculative at best and could be liable for rebuke by future findings. Dr. Quin has no scientific backing for such a statement. The absence of a genetic marker at this time does not conclude that one is yet to be discovered.
I admit that some in mapping family history will find the father - to child link not to their liking. However, when family history is traced to grand parents and further, anecdotal evidence can be found. I do not care nor have the time to dig through my files for actual documentation.
But it is a rare parent who has not heard, "(child's name) is just like uncle Fred." Or, who hasn't heard (or used), "My dad wasn't good in (subject) either."
If such has been stated from the time of Adam (I imagine Eve saying it about Cain) then what silliness is purported that a person does not inherit parental characteristics of temperament and physiological matters.