You must have been posting your reply while I was responding to gb's post and after reading it I feel it necessary to add a few more thoughts in regard to the "Greek and Hebrew" issue. I do not wish to be in the slightest way disrespectful toward those who have devoted themselves to the study of the original languages. I do respect them and admire anyone who is willing and able to master them or even gain a minimal understanding of them. You rightly point out the outstanding academic qualifications of the AV translators and from all I've ever read about them they were outstanding and highly skilled not only in Greek and Hebrew but also in the English of their day. The overriding truth in that is that God was in control of them,just as He was in control of the "original" penman (some of whom weren't "academics" at all).That said,the point we definitely differ on is that I DO believe that the KJV IS the "end of the line" for God's translated Word in the english-speaking world. I think I've now said all I really need to say on the matter for now. As it stands I think I may owe Johnv an apology for inadvertently "hijacking" his thread. Sorry John....though as I stated in my 1st post in this thread, I readily admit that there is NO VERSE in the KJV or any other "version" or translation that states "THIS IS THE ONE". I just believe that God's written Word has to be Perfect (like It's Author)....or it is NOT His Word. If your Bible has errors and mistakes in it then it is no better than the Koran or any other religious writing. That is my humble opinion....and always will be.
Greg Perry Sr.:type:
Thank you Gregory for your always straight forward answers. I hope you are willing to (as they say) to "agree to disagree".
I also can find not one Scripture either in the Greek, Hebrew or the 1769 Elizabethan-Jacobean KJV English translation which supports your theory.
However I see it as a faith conviction on your part.
The one element which contradicts your statement:
The overriding truth in that is that God was in control of them, just as He was in control of the "original" penman (some of whom weren't "academics" at all).That said,the point we definitely differ on is that I DO believe that the KJV IS the "end of the line" for God's translated Word in the english-speaking world.
If your conviction is indeed the truth, then of necessity that means the Church of England is the true Church of Jesus Christ on earth as no other church has been granted this apostolic right (although others claim the same) with that same control He gifted the apostles and prophets. The Scripture themselves, and the KJV translators themselves bearing witness that only these have that authority.
Since you are posting in a Baptist only Forum, you are by self testimony a Baptist who presumably does not believe in apostolic succession and therefore have separated yourself from the one true and apostolic Church, the Church of England who still has authority into perpetuity (including the Apocrypha and the Common Book of Prayer) over the "Authorised Version" of the Holy Bible.
Apostolic Succession is a Church of England doctrine and the basis of the fact that they call the KJV the "Authorised Version" of the Bible.
To be true to your theory you should cease to be a Baptist and align yourself with the Church of England.