... They alone contain no error; they alone are infallible. They are the MSS that are "God-breathed." ...
First, are inerrantcy & infallibility the only aspects of Inspiration? Is 'inspiration' just another way of saying that the words of God are perfect? Is there more to Inspiration. If so, what?
Second, must Inspiration be applied ONLY to the entire canon as a whole unit? The Bible wasn't 'inspired' all at one time. Weren't the individual books 'inspired' as they were written? In fact, weren't they 'inspired' one word at a time? Wouldn't you agree that the autograph of John's Gospel would have been inspired? Wouldn't you agree that each word of every verse of John's autograph would have been individually inspired?
If perfection (inerrantcy & infallibility) is ALL there is to Inspiration AND this Inspiration reaches down to the word-level, then any words (complete verse or short passage with no variants) that were perfectly copied and preserved throughout original language manuscripts would not really be any different than the words as they stood in the autograph. So, the words, verses, and passages we have in the original language that are totally without error (human introduced mistakes), should still be equally 'inspired'.
If perfection (inerrantcy & infallibility) is NOT all there is to Inspiration, then how could we know that those other aspects of Inspiration have not continued in the words of the manuscript copies. That portion of Inspiration may still be present. (notice I am not addressing translations here)