...imo, considering the urgency of the situation the head shot was luck, training is always aim for center mass....
"...WSAV reported that the woman had taken training for a concealed carry license, a fact which Sheriff Clark seized on when speaking to reporters: “If there is no other thing that we pull out of this today, I want to hammer that home of how this lady saved her life because she took half a day out of her life and went and got training. She saved her life and stopped the bad guy.”..."
Police: Woman Fatally Shoots Prison Escapee During Home Invasion
"...WSAV reported that the woman had taken training for a concealed carry license, a fact which Sheriff Clark seized on when speaking to reporters: “If there is no other thing that we pull out of this today, I want to hammer that home of how this lady saved her life because she took half a day out of her life and went and got training. She saved her life and stopped the bad guy.”..."
Police: Woman Fatally Shoots Prison Escapee During Home Invasion