I'm guessing your preference for style of worship is lively with plenty of contemporary gospel music, praise songs, and loud electronic instruments. I don't fault you for that but maybe you should think about this. Jesus is not a rock star and should not be worshipped in an atmosphere that resembles a rock concert. Jesus is the King of Kings and should be regarded with at least as much dignity as the President or a head of state. In the presence of such a person you would act with ultimate dignity and respect and you would observe correct protocol for the occasion.I went to my nephew's first communion last Sunday. Not only does he have no idea what the meaning is behind it, that was the most dead and robotic service I have ever been to! It was like the zombie apocalypse inside of 4 stained glass windowed walls! The idols adjoining the halls made me want to puke. The lack of love from the hundreds there is telling. I feel bad for you new 'converts'. My wife, an ex catholic, felt uneasy and mentioned how cold and dead everything felt.
And that is the difference between a Catholic mass and a contemporary Protestant service. That is why you regard the mass as "dead and robotic." Protestants regard Jesus as a rock star. Catholics regard Jesus as the King of Kings.