Christ calls Peter "petros" - pebble in Matt 16 - but refers to Himself as the "Petra" foundation-stone of Matt 7.
In 1Cor 3 - Paul says that "this PETRA" is Christ - and N

THER foundation can be laid but that one PETRA.
In 1Cor 10 Paul says "That PETRA is Christ".
What wonderful place for him to have said "That PETRA is Christ and Peter" had that been the actual teaching of the church.
Notice that there is no place in all of the NT where Peter is called "The head of the church" and no place in all of scripture where Peter is said to the vicar of Christ, nor the vicar of the Son of God - not even once in all of scripture. Nor is there any mention at all about John being Peter's successor after Peter dies - nor of any other person being Peter's successor - even though John outlives Peter.
Does that not seem odd given that the Catholic church claims this is what they were teaching in the first century??
in Christ,