When I asked my wife's aunt, who is the nun, if she was saved, she laughed and said "saved from what?"
It is sad she doesn't understand the context of what you are talking about. Or even has given any indication that there is a need for salvation.
NONE of my wife's relatives can tell me that they KNOW they are going to Heaven.
Well, the game isn't over yet. And if they had followed the actual teaching of the RCC they would have said something to the effect that their hope is assured as long as they remain in Christ.
They all just "hope" they die in a state of grace,
Well so do I. I want to be in a state of grace everyday. But instead of having some hope of a "chance" of being in Grace at the point of my death I plan to remain in Christ until that point so its not a chance this or that.
or that they're wearing a magic scapular,
Scapulars aren't magic. You can tell your family I said so.
or have said enough "hail Mary's",
You can say 10 gazillion Hail Marys and unless your life is ordered towards God and you allow the effect of an internal conversion to God from God you've done nothing other than repeat a lot of words.
or being baptized when they were a baby
that's just the entry point. You must then live the life of Faith or your baptism is wasted.
Yes, I'm sure there are lots of these.
None of them ever mentions a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
And that is a travesty.
They definitely believe in the "I hope my good outweighs my bad" form of salvation.
Then they don't have the right kind of faith if that is so.
They ALL think MORE of Mary than they do Christ!
I certainly hope that isn't so. Compared to Jesus, Mary is less than an atom.
"Mary this, Mary that" is all you hear from them.
Jesus Christ is just someone Mary lets tag along with her.
Certainly, that is a shame.
Those people are my family! I LOVE them!
And I will pray for them.
It hurts me so much to see how blind they are!
I've encountered Catholics like that and I pray for them.
I HATE the RCC because of that.
Clearly you hate what has been shown to you to be the RCC. And its understandable your feelings. I felt that way once. And I would like to add I'm angry at the leadership that left your and my family in that position not even really knowing their own faith. My Dad may yet be saved. But I worry for my mother as she is how you described your family.
Not the people in it, but the false gospel that's leading millions of Mary worshiping people straight to Hell
Well if they are indeed worshiping Mary and replacing God with Mary they are certainly believing something that isn't the Gospel. But that is not what the RCC teaches. And the RCC teaches the gospel that you must have faith in Christ whom attoned for your sins on the cross.
It angers me immensely when I see people trying to defend it as Christian.
I certainly sense your anger but I still hold my position that it is Christian.
Whew! I'd better stop right there.
I hope you feel better and I will keep your family in prayer so that they may gain salvation.
Again, PLEASE, don't tell me the RCC is a Christian church. I, and you, if you're honest with yourself, know better.
I am honest with myself and I think the RCC is Christian. I don't say that to anger you but to provide my view.