This is terrible, absolutely terrible reporting.
First of all, the Catholic Church has long noted the compatibility of Christianity with creationism and evolution. Francis I has not said anything new or anything controversial as far as the RCC dogma is concerned.
About 50 years ago, Pius XII published a papal encyclical named
Humani Generis that outline their position on this issue. Francis is simple affirming what has already been accepted by the denomination.
Likewise, I support the Big Bang theory (slightly modified) as a basis for cosmology along with accepting aspects of evolution as necessary for the sustaining of human life.
The earth and creation are not 8,000 years old. They simply do not appear to be that young. That said, you can be a thorough-going Christian and accept many aspects of claims around the issue of evolution. It is not contrary to the Christian faith. Now, full blown humanistic (materialistic) evolution has massive disagreement with Christianity. But that isn't what Francis I is saying here.
The inability of the contemporary journalist corps to understand and articulate Catholic theology is disconcerting.