No, I am quoting Paul..." For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful." Pretty plain, he calls praying in tongues, praying with his spirit.
You are demonstrating that you are not very knowledgeable about this subject even though you think you have this gift.
Look at 1Cor.14:14 in another translation with better clarity.
1 Corinthians 14:14 For if I pray in another language, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. WEB
--If you prayed in Hebrew, your human spirit would be praying, but your understanding would be unfruitful. Therefore don't do it.
Why are you trying to take this forceful rebuke and use it as a permission and to speak in tongues. This is a perversion of Scriptures. If the understanding is not there don't do it!!!!!!
That is what Paul said. It doesn't matter where you are. If there is no understanding, don't do it!
Very simple to understand the correction, if you are going to bless, give thanks in tongues then do it with interpretation so they can agree with what you are saying. Common sense to me. I agree with Paul. No one should pray in tongues without an interpreter!
Good! You need to give up your practice then. All tongues were in known languages. What is yours?
Lets again turn the attention off of me and stick to scriptures. I agree as I said above with Paul. We should not pray in public without interpretation. At least you agree they are praying in tongues.
Go to a typical service. Paul would enter a synagogue. Perhaps he would be in Spain. We believe he eventually reached there. He would open in prayer. He would expound the Scriptures. He would close in prayer. Everything is audible. Everything is for the edification of others. God gave him the tongue or language to do so. If he had no interpreter, he would interpret again for the sake of the Jews. There was no silent prayer or private prayer language. Paul spoke in tongues more than them all because he was a missionary. Tongues was not used for prayer (silently). It was used for edification, and therefore preaching and prophesying. This is made plain by the same scripture you have been using. If there is no understanding then shut up!!
THey were not speaking to the crowd, I have shown that! They started speaking in tongues before the crowd gathered.
No they weren't. And they weren't praying either. You are placing an either/or dichotomy when there doesn't have to be one. There are other choices.
vs. 28 If we are allowed to pray silently in church to God in tongues we are allowed to pray anywhere to God in tongues. No where does Paul limit prayer to the assembly whether it is in tongues or our understanding.
You still need to provide Scripture that demonstrates tongues can be used as a private prayer language. You don't have any. You say verse 28??
1 Corinthians 14:28 But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in the assembly, and let him speak to himself, and to God. WEB
--There is no mention of tongues in the verse. None.
No, that is how you rationalize it to fit your theory. Tongues, as I have proven over and over were given to more than just the apostles, they were given to the church to profit all.
They were given to those in the church as long as they had and/or fulfilled their purpose. Once their purposes were fulfilled they ceased.
1. They were signs of the apostles. Apostles dead; signs dead.
2. They were signs for the first century Jews. Jews dead; signs dead.
3. They were temporary as vehicles for revelation until the Word of God was complete. The word of God is complete. The gifts have ceased. They were in the church in the first century; they are not needed anymore; they have fulfilled their purposes.
Christians today should be praying in tongues just as they did in the first century (following Paul's guidelines), because when it's done properly then it results in the edification of the speaker and of the church. You limit to the first century not the Bible!
We have the Bible printed in almost every language of the world. We don't need tongues. We have the capabilities of studying foreign languages as William Carey demonstrated. The gift of tongues has ceased. There is no example of anyone praying privately in a special prayer language. No one has ever done that in the Bible. You have misinterpreted the Bible to come up with that fad. It doesn't edify anyone. Paul says it doesn't. It has no understanding.
Are you now saying God does not understand ALL languages? My faith says He does! I also trust the Holy Spirit when I pray in tongues. If the Holy Spirit gives the utterance (Acts 2:4), which he does, then why would I question what is being said. I trust the Holy Spirit knows the perfect will of God.
Not even God understands Gibberish. They are nonsense syllables run together with no meaning. What is there to understand? It is not the Holy Spirit that gives you utterance either.
Acts 2:4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other languages, as the Spirit gave them the ability to speak.
--You weren't even there, first of all.
Secondly, if the Holy Spirit has given you the ability to speak other languages, then what are the languages that you are now able to speak. You would know about it!
Acts 2:6 When this sound was heard, the multitude came together, and were bewildered, because
everyone heard them speaking in his own language.
--You would know about it, wouldn't you?
Well again Paul directs us differently. You restrict it where the scriptures do not. Paul speaks in tongues more than all but not in the church. Don't try to feed me that he preaches in tongues unless you have a scripture to back it up!
First, prove that Paul was not in a church, and not preaching when he spoke in tongues. You are just putting opinion on your plate, and it is unscriptural.
Secondly, I have proved to you that the gifts were confined to the first century solely by their purpose.
Thirdly, Paul puts little emphasis on tongues as he would rather speak 10,000 words with understanding (in his own language), then just 5 words in tongues (without understanding).
The message is don't speak in tongues.