The things beammeup are purporting, are eerily similiar to what the pro-choicers think. FTR, I am NOT saying he is "pro-choice", just that I am thinking the "pro-choicers" would use this to try to approve abortions.
I'm not "purporting" anything except a strong Biblical foundation for this matter.
If I plant a seedling and my neighbor accidentally whacks it down, he
has not "chopped down my oak tree".
A fetus "has the potential" to become a human being with a soul, but it is NOT.
I doubt any pro-choice feminist would have any clue whatsoever as to the sound teaching from the Scriptures on this matter;
and sadly, so few Christians really clearly think-through this matter either, but are really controlled by their "emotions" and "feelings" (Carnal mind).
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. - Gen 2:7
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