[QUOTE said:
Hi Icon.
Can I be forward for a second?
Hello Hos.....yes by all means ,please do,
I find you to be hard to take very seriously sometimes and the reason is...you actually BELIEVE this statement!!!
:laugh:You do not have to take me seriously in that I am just a regular believer working out my salvation with fear and trembling. I would recommend that you do take seriously the verses,and links I offer for consideration ,as they are to be taken extremely seriously.
Yes.....I do believe this statement absolutely.You have correctly stated it.
I will of course go on to explain why very shortly.
Truth is, with any commonly believed Theological postition, there ALWAYS are verses which are "it's".
You see, I would not say there are no "Calvinist" verses in the Bible, because, quite frankly, there ARE!!
Yes...I see what you are saying......continue please-
There are many passages which are easily interpreted by many very wise and knowledgeable Christians which decidedly seem to imply that the Calvinist system is correct.
yes...again i see what you are saying ......but the way you have expressed this is starting to give me some cause for concern

I think the concern comes from the phrase- seem to imply-
Now we have posted back and forth several times.I see in this post that you have pulled back from the offensive stance,and seem calm ,and are trying to walk me through step by step and show how that perhaps i have closed myself off from additional ,information, perspectives, writers, and thoughts that would somehow change and modify my positions.
After all.....if a person has done this they would most likely be the last to know. like the brother at the fellowship time who has bad coffee breath and does not realize that he is knocking people out as he speaks and the halitosis is making them wilt,until someone in mercy[or self defense] offers him a breath mint:thumbsup:
So I am thankful that you are doing the correct thing in bringing your view of my outlook up for self examination!
But, this is also true of Arminianism. There ARE, in fact, "Arminian" verses.
Well now this is where we come to find out why we do not agree on some issues.I do not believe this is the case...at all.However you do deserve an explanation as to why.
..and I happen to know that Many God-fearing, Christ-honoring, Scripturally sound, educated men and women have for Centuries fallen on either side of that issue
I can agree to this statement to a certain extent. I have a certain way I have come to understand this issue in general. It is not as if I have not had time to think of it,and to search it out. i do try and remain open to scriptural correction.That is why for example....let me use my friend Benjamin as an example. He holds a different POV. He tries to express his POV in terms i reject outright....you have seen in my responses to him...he goes on and on about determinism....which all of us have explained is in reality fatalism.
he does not offer enough of a scripturally based reasoning, but instead seeks to get the "upper hand" by philosophical ideas,and debate strategies.
This will have no effect upon someone like me who seeks to be scripture based ...alone.
Now that being said....some of ideas have some merit, but when he goes off on these reasonings ....we part company.
You have questioned me in times past on someone like CS.Lewis....you and others might find him helpful,while some question his teachings and ideas.
I will not be reading screw tape letters, or any such thing anytime soon.
I do not know anything at all about several other things along this line.
I do not know anything about chronicles of narnia, harry potter, lord of the rings,etc. I have no desire to...at all.[I only know the names of them,but know less than nothing about the ideas or plots,or characters]
If i miss out, i miss out, but that is just how I am wired.I would pick up a systematic theology to read, way before anyone of these.
Pilgrims Progress is the extent of my branching out that way and that was only because Spurgeon and others made frequent reference to it, and I picked up a movie version for my children when they were young.
Honestly, they All have good arguments to support their positions too
They believe they do that is why they hold to those ideas. I have read the best of the objections and do not find them to hold water. It boils down to about 6 or 7 verses...jn3;16 i jn 2:2. 1tim 4:10 1tim 2;4 2 pet3:9 rev 3:20maybe Josh 24:15 or a handful of others.
it comes down to ......all, world,whosoever,
it comes down to romans 5;12-21
It also comes down to weak or non existent views of the Covenants of Promise, and wrong dispensational ideas, and a tragically weak view of the cross...making it potential ,rather than actual...
A current non cal that i hear on moody radio sometime is a Man named James Mcdonald...i think the program is walk in the word
I do not shut the radio off as he is reasonably solid on sanctification,and has a good degree of gift and thought process. When i do hear him > mis-speak< doctrinally, i just correct his wrong ideas in my head, lol....like-he really meant to say this..lol.
It is not as though all Calvinists are in complete solidarity and agreement about all of their soteriological beliefs either; it isn't a Mono-lith.
Like any truth there are different levels of maturity and growth than account for differences many times. I also view each doctrine as i would think of a wide Spectrum.....from weak and light, to strong and dark......and then those who are outside of the spectrum on either end. I will not defend when some go beyond the spectrum or fall short of it.
As you might have noticed:laugh: I most likely am found on the more radically staunch side...in between infra-and supralapsarian...pushing that side of the spectrum. I read and try to learn more on that end, without losing track of those who are brothers who do not see it as I do.
pt2 to follow-