To those who have the common sense to listen with their mind and not just their ears:
Every sermon a Calvinist preacher preaches is a Calvinistic sermon. Every single one. Why? Because the Calvinist believes that the sovereignty of God is inherent to every part of biblical truth. The simpleton argues, "That cannot be a Calvinist sermon! Where is Limited Atonement? Where is Total Depravity? Where is the damnation of the non-elect?" They argue that way because of their blind hatred for Calvinism and their inability to understand that which they hate.
If I were to preach on the love of God I would preach it from a rabid Calvinist heart. I would tell those gathered that we love Him because He first loved us. I would extol God for having blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, in Christ. I would call to memory His love in providing us with food, drink, clothing, and shelter. I would praise Him for such a great salvation through Christ, who died for His sheep.
If I were to preach on holiness I would explain the holy nature of God and how we are to "be holy as I Am holy". I would implore those in attendance to put off the old man and put on the new man; to be holy in all their behavior. I would encourage them, that even though they may fall into sin, they need only repent - confess their sins - and they will be restored into fellowship with their heavenly Father.
If I were to preach on forgiveness of sins, I would not launch into a soteriological polemic on supralapsarianism. I would not say, as others have accused Calvinists of in a mocking tone, that if they are non-elect they will burn in the fires of hell. What an evil thing to say even in jest. No. I would preach Christ and call on sinners to repent and believe. What hope do I offer them if I tell them it is impossible for them to do so? If they do repent and believe then that is proof enough that they are numbered among God's elect. Is the Calvinist preacher in the position of God, to determine who is able to be saved? Perish the thought! May God grant mercy and forgiveness to those who believe so or who even joke about such a thing.