Well-Known Member
I like Mattis and don't like the way this all came down.
Mattis resigned over their differences, and that's what he should have done, but it was unprofessional and not military like for him to imply a diss of the President's foreign policies in his resignation. He should do that in person. Call it professional courtesy.
So Trump released him immediately instead of a couple of months down the road. I understand this , as well. However, I believe he should have let him work out his resignation time. Call it professional courtesy.
They were both wrong. There are no winners.
A lot to agree with there. Perhaps Mattis should have been allowed to stay; OTOH, with such publicly expressed opposition, his private opposition may have rightly been deemed too much.I hope so , too. OTOH are we supposed to leave them there forever? When is the right time? It doesn't appear that any of the naysayers have an answer for that question.
The same goes for Iraq and Afghanistan.
One thing we should have learned from all this, islam is incompatible with any form of democracy that we would approve of. Couple that with an impossibly tribal society, and we see the impossibility of the entire situation. But he destroyed Obama's creation, ISIS. And that was his goal. Obama couldn't, or wouldn't, do it. Trump did.
Given all that, when do we leave? Or do we just stay there forever?
The buck stopped at the President's desk and he was not afraid to make the decision. Good for him. He is anything but indecisive. Now, I for one, am willing to see what happens. I'm sure we won't like it, but the alternative is an eternal presence in Syria or carry out Obama's stated policy of regime change there...and still stay forever. Which?
Is either what we want?
Any historian worth his salt should have known this about the Islamic world--Islam and democracy don't mix. But looking at the reactions following 9/11, we may have a dearth of those, at least of ones allowed a voice.
The Middle East has long looked like a no win situation, probably especially so for the Kurds.