International free trading exports your critical industries off shore to China for instance, creating a rust belt, and a superpower that wants to stomp you.
What defeated Japan in WW2 was America’s domestic industrial might, now China has the industrial might, and much stolen pirated technology.
For instance The United States stopped manufacturing antibiotics domestically and many other critical medications and equipment, free trading to cheaper slave labour manufacturers off shore. This created a great national security vulnerability exposed during the COVID crisis, where medical equipment and medications were denied and kept in the hands of manufacturing nations.
This is just a small part of the vulnerability exposure that The United States faced across its entire economy, yet with enormous consequences.
There are many critical industries that are no longer in domestic control, many industries and know how have been lost forever.
Deindustrialising your nation is not a wise move.
The Chinese economic miracle didn’t happen because of the Chinese, it happened because American companies off shored to China to use cheap slave labour and make greater profits selling back to America.
Free trade created Rust belt USA, and modern super power China.
America handed its Liver to China, in the interests of free trade.
Free trade is capitalism without the patriotism.
Just my humble opinion as a Garden contractor, for what it’s worth.