Dragoon68 said:Panic spread by political leaders and the media has caused people to cut back on spending. That, in turn, has reduced demand which is followed by reduced supply. That leads to less production needed which means cut backs in employment.
The government encouraged - demanded - that mortgage lenders loan money to high risk applicants in order to make home ownership "more affordable". This lead to inflated home prices, over building of new homes, and eventually to an unacceptable level of foreclosures. The pendulum then quickly moved to extremely tight credit. Businesses can't get capital at reasonable rates so their growth slows down. They start cutting back to makes ends meet and more jobs aren't needed.
Both these problems are the direct result of government interference. No kidding at all!
I can agree with both of these and probably add more. None of that is government spending. Government spending raises the national debt but it doesn't cause unemployment and the economy to belly up.