Wow Rant! you have a lot of stuff to cover and I don't know where to begin. I'll start off with this. Symbolism is impossible to prove in the scientific sense. It's like a giant word puzzle that we are all trying to put together. The translators weren't perfect and I'm convinced we don't have all of scripture. In other words there are books that were left out of the Canon. As a matter of fact The Book of Revelation almost didn't make it into the Canon. Based upon what we have, I think the evidence overwhelmingly supports past fulfillment of eschatology. I was a dispensational futurist just like yourself. I switched in 2006 after discovering Preterism in 2004. It took me 2 years of study before I became 100% convinced. One thing you mentioned in your 1st post was this:
"Heresy is a departure from the accepted and established teaching of scripture, which depends on the faith and doctrine of the evaluator; no creed has ever accepted preterism."
Dispensationalism, which I believe to be a false doctrine, was concocted by John Nelson Darby in the early 1800's. It was not taught by the early church. I believe Historicism is the longest running established "system" as an explanation of eschatology. Dispensationalism is relatively new if you consider the entire history of the Church. So based on your definition of heresy, Dispensationalism fits perfectly. Also you stated that no creed has ever accepted preterism. That is false. Here is an excerpt from Eusebius who was an early Christian pioneer. We're talking 4th century. Here is what he wrote in his Ecclesiastical History, Book 3, Ch. 5:
"But the people of the church in Jerusalem had been commanded by
a revelation, vouchsafed to approved men there before the war, to
leave the city and to dwell in a certain town of Perea called Pella.
And when those that believed in Christ had come thither from
Jerusalem, then, as if the royal city of the Jews and the whole land of
Judea were entirely destitute of holy men, the judgment of God at
length overtook those who had committed such outrages against
Christ and his apostles, and totally destroyed that generation of
impious men. But the number of calamities which every where fell
upon the nation at that time; the extreme misfortunes to which the
inhabitants of Judea were especially subjected, the thousands of
men, as well as women and children, that perished by the sword, by
famine, and by other forms of death innumerable, all these things, as
well as the many great sieges which were carried on against the
cities of Judea, and the excessive sufferings endured by those that
fled to Jerusalem itself, as to a city of perfect safety, and finally the
general course of the whole war, as well as its particular
occurrences in detail, and how at last the abomination of desolation,
proclaimed by the prophets, stood in the very temple of God, so
celebrated of old, the temple which was now awaiting its total and
final destruction by fire, all these things any one that wishes may
find accurately described in the history written by Josephus."
Eusebius connected the calamities which fell upon the inhabitants of Judea in 70 AD with the abomination of desolation proclaimed by the prophets. There it is in black and white. 4th Century!