But the person who plays the game with speaking in tongues is playing with the devil and in the end can be hurt very much. The modern practice of tongues is exactly the same that Hinduists and practitioners of Yoga[1] have practiced for centuries which they call kundalini[2]. They have the concept that this phenomenon is to release “the power of the serpent” that resides in every person. This can be brought about through the use of strong psychedelic drugs (that alter the mind), yoga, near death experiences, and with speaking in tongues as is practiced today. The physical experience is exactly the same in tongues and kundalini. When the power of the serpent comes out, frequently the person makes involuntary sounds and their bodies begin to make movements out of their control (as is slain in the spirit). [3] The Hindu’s Kundalini is the modern speaking in tongues, and both fall to the floor and roll about out of control (this is also seen in Santerism), making sounds of animals, or even laughing uncontrollably[4], even smelling strange fragrances, having a sensation of light or fire or electricity, visions of heavenly people talking to them, or rhythmic and repetitive chants.
Kundalini was described by the Upanishads, the holy scriptures of Hinduism in the fifth century before Christ. The oral tradition goes even further back. For example, in India, the guru of Kundalini Yoga, Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886) describes his god-man consciousness. Every day he entered into a samahdi (trance) when he then fell to the floor involuntarily in a state of euphoria and joy (ananda) when pretty visions appeared and sometimes he would leave his body and travel through the heavens. This was also accompanied at times with an uncontrollable laughing. He could cause this same thing to happen in other people with only a light touch[5] on the head or chest of others[6].
Another master of Kundalini Yoga was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990) who brought his sect to the United States. In his interpretation of all of this, they meditated (no thoughts), chanted rhythmic chants, naturalism (walk about totally naked), practices a “primordial scream,” did extreme forms of exercise, and had free sex. With just his presence in a room, his disciples began to laugh and cry uncontrollably, to fall to the ground, to feel electricity, and all of this was precipitated easily by a touch in the head by the finger of the grand master Rajneesh. They use the term, “drunk with new wine”, even though they did not necessarily drink any alcohol. It is a euphoria which is similar to what alcohol gives a person, but it is spiritual. We also note that the experiences of those which practice Voodoo equally speak in tongues (ecstatic speech) in their sessions.
Carl Jung (1875-1961) is the father of modern psychology and he promoted the Kundalini Yoga in the conferences as a link between psychology and the oriental thought for finding internal (spiritual) peace. Kundalini Yoga is a system of meditation[7] where the person controls their respiration in order to provoke an altered state of conscious (trance[8]) so that these “spiritual” things (tongues, falling, visions, etc) can happen. Many false religions worldwide have used these same forms to communicate with spiritual beings, “gods”, of phantoms (spirits of dead humans).
Even among these very groups though there are warnings[9] of the danger in these phenomenons. Medically speaking, doctors have noted that once these practices begin, the person can move into a trance state without warning or desire, and there are other problems like sexual dysfunction, physical and psychological problems (anxiety, night mares, depression, hallucinations, psychological distress, detachment from reality, etc.), tiredness and stress, inability to concentrate, and even problems with demon possession.