So now you are saying that the sign of tongues is for the unbeliever (concerning the baptism) not in general? So what you are saying is that tongues is a sign that someone received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Isn't that in line with what the pentecostals believe? Tongues is a sign that someone receives the baptism? By what you posted just proved there theory!
No. Look at 1Cor.14:21,22.
Verse 21 says that it is a sign to the Jews, Israel: "this people," being the nation of Israel.
Verse 22 says that is a sign to the unbeliever.
Peter and the six
brethren were Jews that did not believe that salvation had come to the Gentiles. Tongues were a sign to them that salvation had indeed come to the Gentiles. That was one of the purposes of tongues. They did not believe that tongues had come to the Gentiles previously, and now they did. Read the verse. That is exactly what it says:
Acts 10:45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter,
because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Only your assumption! No scriptural proof! It said all that heard the words of Peter the Holy Spirit fell upon them! Everyone in the room at that time was believers!
Of course they were! What were they just a few minutes before? They were unbelievers. They had just been saved. And many of those that were just saved were unbelieving Jews, friends of the Roman centurion, called Cornelius.
How do you outright deny the part where they are speaking to God! PRAYER!!!
No they are not. There is no "they" in the verse first of all.
Secondly there is nothing about prayer in the verse.
Thirdly, there isn't even anything about "speaking to God," where you can get prayer out of it.
Fourthly, you aren't paying attention.
Pay attention. I am not quoting from the KJV. I am quoting from the CEV, the Century English Version of the Bible. Never mind the KJV for the moment. Pay attention to this verse in this version of the Bible.
CEV 1Co 14:2 If you speak languages that others don't know, God will understand what you are saying, though no one else will know what you mean. You will be talking about mysteries that only the Spirit understands.
--There is no "speaking to God" in the verse. It doesn't say that. You have it memorized in the KJV, and the way it is translated there, but this translation does not translate it there. It gives a better sense of the meaning of the verse. There is no speaking to God, or prayer involved. It simply means that "God will understand." That is the "to God" part in the KJV. keep leaving out the phrase "speaking to God"....that is prayer!
I am not leaving out anything:
CEV 1Co 14:2 If you speak languages that others don't know,
God will understand what you are saying, though no one else will know what you mean. You will be talking about mysteries that only the Spirit understands.
Then quit denying "speaking to God"...that is prayer!
Start understanding what the Bible is saying here:
CEV: 1Co 14:2 If you speak languages that others don't know,
God will understand what you are saying, though no one else will know what you mean. You will be talking about mysteries that only the Spirit understands.
No it was the same verse you quoted but you left out the last part...EXCEPT HE INTERPRET, THAT THE CHURCH MAY RECEIVE EDIFYING.
That is verse five:
CEV: 1Co 14:5 I am glad for you to speak unknown languages, although I had rather for you to prophesy. In fact, prophesying does much more good than speaking unknown languages,
unless someone can help the church by explaining what you mean.
--"except he interpret" means something entirely different than what you say it does, right? Again, this is a different translation that sheds a better light on what the verse is really saying. It is not saying "you yourself interpret," but rather you have someone interpret for you. You must provide an interpreter. You is in a causal position. That is what the CEV brings out here.
Here again you deny that Paul refers to praying in the spirit as tongues vs.14 confirms that praying in the the spirit is tongues.."For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful"
Your sticking to the KJV often clouds your understanding.
Here it is in the CEV:
1Co 14:14
For example, if I use an unknown language in my prayers, my spirit prays but my mind is useless.
It is an illustration first of all. Notice the words "for example."
Then notice the word "IF". That makes it conjecture, a supposition.
It means we are not supposed to do it. Why? Because if one prays with their spirit their mind is useless and no one is edified.
Also take note that "praying in the spirit" has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit, but just the emotional side of the person.
And no, praying in the spirit has nothing to do with tongues, per se.
See what he is saying: If he prays in another language without interpretation then is spirit is praying but the mind is useless. No one understands what he is saying. This has been the consistent theme throughout.
Vs. 14 says praying with my spirit is tongues!
No, he is saying that praying in another language without interpretation is beneficial to one's spirit or emotions, but not the minds of the congregation. It is then a useless gift. What is the purpose of lifting up the spirit, the emotions, if you cannot understand what is being said. Paul is rebuking what is being done, not condoning it. See how you turn Scripture upside down and sideways.
YOu added emotions to what Paul said! He said we pray with our spirit!
Your spirit is your emotions. Paul differentiates between the spirit and the mind. He says when you pray in your spirit your mind is useless. They are opposite of each other. So what you are saying is wrong.
Our mind/soul is our emotions. Our spirit is the part of us that is reborn by the Holy Spirit! It is from our spirit that the Holy Spirit gives the utterance!
The Holy Spirit is not mentioned here.
It is the human spirit vs. the mind:
1Co 14:14 For example, if I use an unknown language in my prayers, my
spirit prays but my
mind is useless.
--The spirit prays and the mind is useless. They are not one and the same thing.
NO, you are leaving out or adding to the scrptures to fit your theology! I have not ignored one scripture!
It is plain if anyone would read it that the correction Paul is given is tongue in the assembly without interpretaion! NOWHERE does it say what you are insinuating!
Tongues is praying in the spirit/speaking to God/ blessing with the spirit/giving thanks!....ALL ARE PRAYER! WHETHER PRIVATE OR PUBLIC!
Here it is again:
CEV: 1Co 14:14 For example, if I use an unknown language in my prayers, my spirit prays but my mind is useless.
1. It is an example. The words "for example" are important. These few verses (14ff) are an illustration. He is not condoning prayer in tongues whether private or public at all. It is simply an illustration.
2. Tongues are languages. They always, always need an interpreter.
3. They are always spoken and never prayed.
4. They are a gift for the assembly, the church, and never for private use.
5. The spirit is the emotions. It is opposed to the mind. This is seen in verse 14 very plainly.
6. Paul never, never, condones a private prayer language.