Prove it.Exactly! The Problem is - it WAS NOT "a Constitutional process" that was going on, that is a lie! It was an attempt to finalize a theft being driven by a Leftist coup! Stop the violence BUT also stop the fake comparisons and the hypocrisy of calling this an unamerican disgrace. Those who would only focus on the actions of a few are either pretenders or falling right into the hands of promoting the hypocritical narratives of the Left! There was no graffiti, no one burned down the Capital, stores and businesses were not burned and looted, no cars turned over and burned, no takeover of the city – the truth is it was mostly peaceful.
1. States did not act as the Constitution prescribed. What is the next step? The Justices.
Did anyone go to the courts? That is where constitutional issues are decided.
2. They did go to the courts. Did the courts determine the states acted improperly? No.
3. So the electors go to DC and Congress either accepts or rejects the certificates.
Did they? No, folks started acting like Democrats. But they will sooner or later and the Constitution will work - a lawful, constitutionally and unfairly elected President will be elected.
It may not be fair. It may not be right. It may not be just. But it will be legal and constitutional.