See, this is the problem. I am not the one 'ascribing human attributes to God,' scripture is. You and Dagg are the ones equating that ascribing of attributes as being "limiting." I don't believe that. I reject that God's choice to present Himself in scripture by the use of anthropomorphic terms is in any way limiting. I believe it reveals the multi aspect nature of God in the way HE has chosen to engage with His creation. I believe God can be 'omni-everything' in his transcendence while still genuinely conversing with Abraham about whether or not to destroy the Israelites as an immanent Being reacting in our time and space.
I think God can not know of his second coming (Son) and at the same time know of his second coming (Father), and not sacrifice one iota of his sovereignty, oneness, omniscience or any other divine attribute. I accept the paradox in faith.
So, practically speaking, what does that mean in my walk with God? When I pray I really believe it can have an effect. I believe my prayers may affect what happens in my life and the lives of those I pray for. I believe God may respond, relent, move and answer when I speak to him. We have real conversations like I have with a real person. We have arguments and I usually lose

We have a relationship.
Before, when to me God was just some omni-theological concept, I didn't know how to relate to him. I over intellectualized him to the point of practical absurdity. He was fun to study but impossible to know and love. Call me crazy, I really don't care, but I wouldn't go back to that for anything in the world. I love my relationship with God now. Its exicting, real, romantic, dynamic and ever growing. He is not a concept to be studied, He is a person to know and love. That is just my take, I am not suggesting that is your relationship...its was just mine for far too long.