One Proud Boy has pled guilty and is cooperating with the government. Comprende?
Over the last few years I have come to comprehend just how sick the US Justice system is, and not just how it has been politically weaponised.
It’s the coercive behaviour of Law enforcement and attorneys general that threaten a harder process or family members for individuals who do not plead guilty to some lesser charge. Even if both sides know a certain charge is not just and true. Entrapment, coercion and blackmail seem to be the only skill set these agencies are good at. The process being made the punishment for non compliance.
All of your law enforcement agencies seem to be self serving entities at best.
The full knowledge now of the Central Intelligence Agency’s running drugs into America killing countless citizens to fund off book operations outside of congressional oversight, indicates a corrupt rogue and evil agency.
The FBIs list of crimes seems to be never ending, vindictive and partisan investigations and prosecutions seem to be the norm.
When ANTIFA burn and take over cities declaring local secession, murder people , riot and loot but leftist attorney generals jurisdictions let them walk free after two days processing, you know the system is corrupt to the core.
You also see opposite treatment of those on the right side of politics who were usually just defending themselves from Antifa in those jurisdictions.
Your nation is irreconcilably divided, and you will not like the end result that is coming to a head.
Just keep pressing and the wine you will have to drink down to the very last drop.