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Featured Proverbs 18:17 in Dealing with the sin of professed believers online.

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Iconoclast, Jul 7, 2020.

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  1. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian
    I am qualified biblically as a Christian who is to live by the truth of God. When I see violations by a professing Christian, I am called to be my brother's keeper.
    You want to make as if it is just to be ignored, settled and move on, and but we both know the truth here, don't we?
  2. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Again, I there is enough information on this thread for members to decide for themselves, if they care.

    I forgave the man who made false accusations against me. He has a reputation of being a troublemaker (he has been banned over 8 times for abusive behavior). But I remain faithful and hopeful he will change.

    As for as you go, Brother, you got caught up in my example, almost to the point of obsession.

    I believe most here know I would not lie about my experiences. For my many faults, dishonesty is not one of them. If they don't that is fine as well. I do not really care.

    My responsibility is done.
  3. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    That has been called into question over time hasn't it?
    You have offered your side. If the other person has a chance to answer then we can get somewhere. If you will not allow for that, then we need not hear anymore of this.
  4. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    wrong again.

    I have not offered my side. I gave an account of what occurred without presenting any argument at all.

    My integrity has only been questioned by a handful in a small camp. But that was because I had insulted them.

    I never mind people questioning me. They can question my integrity. What matters is that my integrity stands up to questionioning.

    It did with this topic. Repeatedly it was proven the other had made false accusations. The staff reviewed posts and threads. They told both him and me what they found. He made assumptions and falsely accused me. I responded inappropriately to his false accusations.

    But that guy's character resulted in repeatedly being banned from multiple Christian forums by multiple staff members.

    We should NEVER object to having our integrity questioned. But our integrity should ALWAYS stand up to the questioning. That guys could not.

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  5. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian
    This could be complete fiction, we have no idea, nothing is ever proven by one person saying anything. You cannot produce what is needed, so there is nothing left to say on this.
  6. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Again, you are obsessing over something I experienced.

    I used the judgment rendered (not either side but the conclusion) as an example of how conflict should and should not be addressed.

    You have no right to demand to see either argument. And neither will be presented.

    That is a personal attack on me. When you mention encounters with other people (and you have) no member demands that you drag that person onto this forum so that your account can be judged.

    You are wrong to do so to me.

    You are in violation of Proverbs 18:17 because you demand to hear that man's case when I will not present my case (you are demanding one side of the story).

    I provided what the Administrators concluded, nothing more. I did not give my side of the story and will not because it is not the business of this board and would be gossip.

    You are violating Proverbs 18:17 by your standard.
  7. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Again, my example was only about a conclusion over 3 Administrative boards made adjudication a dispute where both parties were wrong.

    My intent was to use it as an example in addressing the OP.

    I did not, and will not, present my side. I did not, and will not, drag the guy here to present his side.

    Members can read this forum and make conclusions regarding the OP, my character, the character of the OP, the character of the man in my illustration.

    My point is that we have to deal with these issues biblically and not twist Scripture to suit an agenda.

    My point being made, I leave it to the board to come to their own conclusions.

    I am so sorry for you, Iconoclast. You are in my prayers, and in the prayers of many other Christians I am sure.

    I wish you well.
  8. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I leave this thread with a call.

    If the man who opposed me reads this thread let him know that I have forgiven him of his false accusations.

    If he reads this let him know that I apologize for responding to his false claims with insults. That was wrong of me.

    If he reads this thread let him know that Jesus shed His own blood that he may have life. He does not need to dwell in darkness. I do not resent him for his sins against me. I would welcome him as a brother.

    That is all that needs to be said. I have been forgiven and I long to see my accuser likewise forgiven.

    I hope those who know this man will encourage him to obey God rather than to continue in sin. I hope they can reach him with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    And I call upon them to do so. If they refuse that is between them and God. I will not call them out but they know who they are.

    I have nothing else to say regarding the issue.
  9. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian

    You should be sorry for violating this verse by gossip, talebearing, and apparent storytelling. When asked for the proof this person or boards exist you offered none, just self-justification that no one asked for.
    In fact, it was requested that you stop, but you posted 15 to 20 more times, even when no one asked you.
    One side of a story is useless as your version can be false.
    Glad you have moved on.
    If I ever want to hear from you, I will ask saying JonC.....what do you think about this?

    If I do not ask you by name, do not bother posting.
    Pray for yourself go your own way and we will be better off.
  10. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    No. I have not violated the verse. I have not plead my case or offered to invite another onto the forum.

    You are guilty. And I suspect you know this.

    As a moderator I will add this:

    It is heart breaking that professing Christians join boards only because they desire to sit in judge over other believers.

    As a Christian I will add this:

    There are people here (on this board) who know the individual of whom I am speaking as they are involved on the other board as well.

    These professing Christians are obligated to reach out to this man and lead him to repentance.

    They are not "innocent by standards" as they know the issue and they know the man.

    Condemnation will fall where it will fall. I pray that those involved will repent.
  11. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    You and I disagree. You believe I this man and I are obligated to present our cases before you, before your "throne".

    BUT I refese to present my case. So you want to hear his case alone.

    That is in clear violation of Proverbs 18:27.

    And I will never present my case to you because it has been judged already.

    I have already been forgiven.

    You cannot sit in judgment over me because you do not have that right.
  12. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian
    You said you were leaving, and yet post more. Now you try and twist the proverb which you have clearly violated. You suggest I am guilty of who knows what. I just want the other person to speak for himself.

    Have you noticed no one says, oh yeah, I know what JonC is talking about.
    To tell you the truth, this really sounds like a story, without proof there is nothing else to say is there. So glad you have finally said you were moving on.
  13. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    The proverb is clear. It does not apply as I have not argued my case and you are not appointed to judge.

    I will not argue my side, so any appeal on your part to hear an opposing is a direct violation of Proverbs 18:17.

    I guess what I do not understand is why you are so hostile to me.
  14. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian

    I am not hostile to anyone. If it seems that way to you.....You already know why that is, don't you?

    So you claim

    That is your point of view.

    I am not picking a fight with anyone, why do you ask such bizarre questions?

    You do what you want. Let me repeat this for you.

    If I ever want to hear from you, I will ask saying JonC.....what do you think about this?

    If I do not ask you by name, do not bother posting.
    Pray for yourself go your own way and we will be better off.
  15. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I am closing this thread as it has become an appeal for gossip.

    The OP has sought to censure people (to allow only those he invites to respond).

    In my example I was subject to false accusations on another board (on another website). I responded by insulting the man who lied about me.The "judges" rightly condemned him for bearing false witness.

    But they also condemned me, and rightly so. I did not follow what I say is appropriate here but instead insulted him for lying about me.

    This fact is not up for debate. Neither side of the argument will be discussed. Those craving gossip will have to go elsewhere to satisfy their lust.

    That is all there was. Nothing else to say. I forgave him, apologized, and was forgiven. He became obsessed and was banned for his hatred and sinful behavior.

    But this thread has become an appeal for gossip and censorship.

    It is closed. No doubt some will object to me closing the thread. Tough. Get over it. I will not tolerate such willful sin on this board.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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