David was confessing his own sin and sinfulness, not another's. Concentrate on this.DHK: the context……. is repentance!!
HP: What is so difficult to understand about those that claiming Psalms 51:5 supports original sin is when they beat the pulpit so loudly about it being about repentance. Reason with me for a moment. They claim it CANNOT be speaking about the sins of David’s mother in any way shape or form, because David was confessing his OWN sin.
While in one breath they pound on the pulpit loudly proclaiming Psalms 51:5 absolutely, positively, in NO EARTHLY WAY, can be speaking of the sins of his mother due to the their belief that David is confessing HIS SINS AND HIS SINS ONLY not that of another,
Absolutely (but we don't get angry and yell like you do
This is where you are wrong and not thinking. David is referring to his sin and his sinfulness. We call that his own depravity--his own sinful condition. I am truly sorry that you have never presented yourself to the Lord and admitted that you are a sinner, deserving only of his wrath. You have never humbled yourself before God as David was doing, admitting his sinfulness from his birth onward--that their was never a time in his life that he was not sinful. David was not a proud man; but very humble. He expresses that humility here, as he pours out his heart to God, admits his sinful heart, even from his birth onward. But you would be too proud ever to do that!they then turn an absolute 180 and claim the verse supports the notion that David is born in original sin. ARE WE THINKING YET?
What is the notion of original sin but placing the blame for ones sins on another?????
The point is David's sinful condition; his sinfulness; his depravity before God. It is a psalm of repentance, but you don't seem to understand this.
You just don't get it do you. He is speaking of his own depravity, his own sinfulness, not Adam's original sin.Would not reason say that IF in fact no ones sins are being addressed but his own, that neither could he be speaking of original sin
His sinfulness reaches right down to his birth. He is a sinner from birth, and that is what he is stating. He admits his depravity, his complete and utter helpless sinful state. There is nothing he can do about it for he was born that way. Adam plunged the human race into a sinful condition, put the world (including man) under a curse. That curse will not be removed until the rapture occurs. Until then man is stuck with an inherited sin nature. Man must deal with the consequences of Adam's sin.If the psalm is ONLY about his own sins and not that of another, that automatically excludes the verse from speaking concerning original sin for that is nothing short of placing the blame of Adam and Eve, is it not?
David doesn't mention his mother as being sinful. You have it wrong.HELLO!! So David can blame Adam or he can blame Eve, or he can blame his father. or his father's father, all due to original sin, BUT HE CANNOT BE PLACING ANY BLAME, OR EVEN MENTION THE SINS OF HIS MOTHER LEST HE BE SHOWN TO BE SPEAKING OF SOMEONE ELSES SIN BUT HIS OWN!!
What I do see is HP blaming God.