I would be preaching a gospel you are not familiar with.....
I am familiar with it
The Covenant is at the heart of All redemptive history.The blood of the cross,applied by The Great High Priest, on behalf of All the sanctified elect,has accomplished redemption for them.
Strictly speaking...nothing you have said here is something I would debate nor is it unique to your Calvinism or Covenant Theology.....You posted basically unchallenged truths and are, it appears, attempting to smuggle other ideas in with it. I try to pull that trick myself all the time, I know it when I see it. .
That is good news to me.Maybe....not so much to you with your failed Molinism ideas.
I doubt I would word it precisely as you did, but again, I wouldn't disagree with what you stated above...apparently, you are assuming too much. Nothing you stated is contradictory to Molinism.
,Like the screwtape letters
It's a fiction...just a fiction.
.I have no interest in these failed ideas
You have already stated before that you would not read "Screwtape Letters", unless you already have, and I mistook your prior statement (as you appear to mistake mine) you have no idea whether it is a "failed idea" or not. As far as Molinism goes...it is a minority view, it is also seeing a resurrgence of adherents in Evangelical circles, so depending on what you mean by "failed" you would want to take notice. I am also not dogmatic about it. I am not yet of the opinion that I understand all Soteriological truths flawlessly as that is a dangerous way to think. Some on this board do.
I will discuss the bible with those who desire to learn, and would like help.You do not .....
Has no one explained this to you? It is a debate forum....it is not your personal blog entitled: "Ask Icon". We are not here to sit at your feet and learn your inerrant decrees....for as long as you post, you will find people who disagree with you. We do learn here, but we learn through debate.
instead you appear to be content to avoid truth and play games with it....This is not a wise use of time.
Playing games?....o.k.
Study the truth instead.
What, precisely the truth is, when all things are not as cut and dry as you or I might like, is what is up for DEBATE...in a debate forum.