Jesus paid my sin debt in full to the father...He died in my place...
How do you know that you are elect if Jesus did not die for all men as you believe? Did you see your name on a list someplace?
You cannot possibly know if Jesus died for you if Limited Atonement is true, it is logically impossible. You can insist all day long you know you are elect, but you cannot possibly know this.
Since I KNOW that God saved me, as I have the inner witness from the Holy Spirit, and have become a new creation in Jesus, and study the Bible, pray, interested to see others know jesus...
Lots of folks have a "inner witness" as you call it, some are quite bizarre. Some folks hear voices, some see visions or have dreams, etc... That doesn't prove you are elect.
In fact Calvin himself taught what is called Evanescent Grace. He taught that God actually deludes and deceives men, giving them a faith that seems so real that the person believe they are saved, but are not. You could easily be one of those if Limited Atonement is true.
John Calvin called this divine deception “evanescent grace”. It was his answer to the problem of so many real life cases of those who lived for many years seemingly loving and trusting in God and producing godly fruit, only to eventually fall away and abandon the faith. According to Calvin, God gave such people a delusion that made them think they were saved, and even feel like they were saved, only to eventually remove this fleeting grace and reveal that they were just deluded hypocrites that God had never regenerated and whose faith, while it seemed very real to them, was not real faith at all. For a more detailed look at Calvin’s evanescent grace and the way that Calvinism undercuts Biblical salvation assurance, see the first link given at the end of this post.
Those fruits evidence that I was one of His elect!
He ONLY saves one of His own!
What you are saying is your WORKS prove to yourself you are elect. Good luck with that.