Alofa Atu
Well-Known Member
It has been said by some in response to does a Christian need to fulfill the Law of God:
"We don't need to. You really think we have to. The Scripture says very plainly we don't and can't."
What that response does not understand, is that Paul, under inspiration of the Holy Ghost, said:
Rom_8:4 That the righteousness (right-doing, not merely right-saying) of the law (Ten Commandments, as per Rom. 7:7,10,11,12,13,14,21,22,25) might be fulfilled (to carry out to the deepest levels, so completing the commandment in spirit and in truth, thus in heart and in deed) in us (those who claim to follow Christ, Jhn. 1:29,36, who did no sin, 1 Pet. 2:22), who walk (that is, to live and do) not after the flesh (which transgresses the Law of God; Rom. 8:7), but after the Spirit (who wrote the Ten Commandments, Exo. 31:18, Deut. 9:10; Luk. 11:20; Mat. 12:28; for the Law of God, the Ten Commandments are all, entirely, wholly, completely spiritual and not a single part carnal in the least letter, jot or tittle, Rom. 7:14).
To any person who says a Christian does not need to 'fulfil the law' (Ten Commandments) of God through the grace bestowed in Christ Jesus, by the strength provided at Calvary, effective by the Holy Spirit, is, indeed verily, a transgressor of said Law, Jam. 2:10 and is not in their right state of mind, for they are yet carnal, not understanding even the basics of salvation, "from their sins" (Mat. 1:21; 1 Jhn. 3:4).
The issue is, that so many (wrongly) think that the Law (Ten Commandments) is/are abolished, or that the Law of God (Ten Commandments) is the old covenant, but neither is the case.
To abolish the Law of God would be to abolish His own perfect character, Exo. 33:12-23, 34:1-9, 20:5-7. In fact, that is exactly what satan tried to do, and the leaders of the Jewish nation, who wrongly hated the character of God, but all that he manged to crucify was the flesh, not the Spirit (for spirit hath not flesh and bones; Luk. 24:39).
Rom_7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
All who do 'not' "know", are not part of the "we" that Paul spake of.
Therefore, when Paul said, "That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.", what Law is he referring to in context, and what does the word 'fulfil' mean there?
"We don't need to. You really think we have to. The Scripture says very plainly we don't and can't."
What that response does not understand, is that Paul, under inspiration of the Holy Ghost, said:
Rom_8:4 That the righteousness (right-doing, not merely right-saying) of the law (Ten Commandments, as per Rom. 7:7,10,11,12,13,14,21,22,25) might be fulfilled (to carry out to the deepest levels, so completing the commandment in spirit and in truth, thus in heart and in deed) in us (those who claim to follow Christ, Jhn. 1:29,36, who did no sin, 1 Pet. 2:22), who walk (that is, to live and do) not after the flesh (which transgresses the Law of God; Rom. 8:7), but after the Spirit (who wrote the Ten Commandments, Exo. 31:18, Deut. 9:10; Luk. 11:20; Mat. 12:28; for the Law of God, the Ten Commandments are all, entirely, wholly, completely spiritual and not a single part carnal in the least letter, jot or tittle, Rom. 7:14).
To any person who says a Christian does not need to 'fulfil the law' (Ten Commandments) of God through the grace bestowed in Christ Jesus, by the strength provided at Calvary, effective by the Holy Spirit, is, indeed verily, a transgressor of said Law, Jam. 2:10 and is not in their right state of mind, for they are yet carnal, not understanding even the basics of salvation, "from their sins" (Mat. 1:21; 1 Jhn. 3:4).
The issue is, that so many (wrongly) think that the Law (Ten Commandments) is/are abolished, or that the Law of God (Ten Commandments) is the old covenant, but neither is the case.
To abolish the Law of God would be to abolish His own perfect character, Exo. 33:12-23, 34:1-9, 20:5-7. In fact, that is exactly what satan tried to do, and the leaders of the Jewish nation, who wrongly hated the character of God, but all that he manged to crucify was the flesh, not the Spirit (for spirit hath not flesh and bones; Luk. 24:39).
Rom_7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
All who do 'not' "know", are not part of the "we" that Paul spake of.
Therefore, when Paul said, "That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.", what Law is he referring to in context, and what does the word 'fulfil' mean there?