Hello preachinjesus
Always nice to respond to you.
You said.......
“Well I just don't think you've done the due diligence to understand W&H's positions and their contributions to textual criticism.”
You might be right; Although what I have learned about them so far, makes me doubtful that they had anything to contribute.
Next you said......
“I did notice you have not responded, several times now, to the more germane issues I have raised in response to your questions. Particularly here I am thinking of the misunderstanding of textual criticism and higher criticism you had earlier. This isn't a criticism (no pun intended) but I do wonder where you are at with the more significant issues related to this post.”
As I have seen it, the issues of this post, is God’s preservation of His Word.
There are those, who choose to accept the “very popular” idea, that we have to somehow “find”, the original autographs again, by way of textual criticism.
(I have already pointed out to them that God would not have allowed His Word to “get lost”
And they quickly came back, saying that is isn’t really lost.
Well if is isn’t lost, than why the need for any kind of textual criticism.
There has not really been a misunderstanding of textual criticism on my part
At least I hope not
What there has be is a rejection of textual criticism.
You also pointed out.......
“One of the unfortunate traits you are exhibiting (I humbly submit) is that of the artful dodger...you keep coming back to the character and intent of W&H when several of us have asked you to move on past them. They are not the main issue when it comes to the matters being discussed.
I don’t see this as an “unfortunate trait”, but rather a dogged stubbornness, to keep the discussion on track.
The real issue here, isn’t the accuracy(or lack thereof), of the Modern versions, as much as it is a hatred and rejection of the KJV.
Remember those questions that started this thread: They are at the heart of this thread.
Those questions are the issue: And they were asked because........
“If the majority ideas today, about the KJV are true, then every committed Christian that worshiped God prior to 1881, was a moron.”
Because they had placed their complete trust in a Bible that was full of errors.
Now most people want to avoid these questions, because if those Saints that fully trusted the manuscripts the gave us the KJV weren’t morons, than everyone today that isn’t KJVO, is.
Praise the Lord, I am not afraid to be called, anti-intellectual: Most of my friends in the ministry are, but I’m not.
Then you asked.........
“Perhaps you could provide us with a list of more credible textual sources since the work of W&H.”
No I couldn’t. I am not following the same path that you are.
As I have said, I have no interest in searching for the lost New Testament.
As for the list of men you gave me: (My plate is full, trying to point people back to the Bible
By identifying the two men who, you could say opened the door, for Von Soden and Nestle-Aland.
You asked......
“I am interested to see the depth of your research into this area.
This might help me better understand your position and give a better answer. I think we're missing a couple parts of the conversation here.”
We are.
As you can see, I am a simple man; I love the LORD and His Word.
As for my study material, I stick with the 66 books.
Next you said.........
“Well you have called into question the salvation of two men who you do not know. This is a slanderous accusation against gentlemen, who as far as I can tell, were humble servants of the the most High God.”
I don’t recall questioning their salvation: (I simply called them heretics.)
As for my slander, of these “humble servants of the the most High God”, I will have to face my LORD for where I am taking a stand.
Next you stated.......
“In doing so you noted a comment from J.W. Burgon, a man who tirelessly refuted any manuscript other than the TR.”
Sounds like a pritty nice guy to me. Can’t wait to meet him in heaven.
“The severity of his criticisms against W&H ended up becoming so personal that nobody wanted anything to do with by the end of the his career.”
Sounds kind of like, what is happening to me, here on the BB.
Burgon is sounding more and more like me:
If indeed he said.........
“The traditional text served the Church well for 1500 years, why would God allow a corrupt text to influence the Church?”
This sounds eerily close, to one of my original questions?!?!
Next is the argument, that I have been waiting for.......
“The point of textual criticism (as W&H, and others, developed) helps us see a more clear picture of the original text. We have a faithful text, yes, but we desire a clear text.”
This idea is what inspired the sideburn story.
Thinking that somehow we need to make the Bible somehow better, has only opened the door to those who want to discredit it.
The Bible’s sideburns are perfect.
“Later witnesses must be better than earlier witnesses of the text.”
Now I truly doubt that Burgon ever said this: But if he did, he was off point.
The point is, that “God providentially protected the copying of His Word”.
The idea that an older mss would be better, is logical, for anything but the Bible:
Because the small changes that would normally take place over multiple copies, does not apply to Holy writ, because it’s Holy. (God protected it.)
“The more traditional has not been refuted and, because it is older, must be intrinsically better.”
Here is another trap. Older is not “always” better.
(Even though men are waxing worse and worse
If pressed, I would choose the “traditional” as the best.
(Not having anything to do with tradition, but everything to do with what God has already blessed.
And about Jack Chick.........
“Well Jack Chick is a terrible example of an apologist who attempts to make his points through chastisement and mischaracterizations of individuals (which stands in opposition to how the NT teaches we are respond.)”
Sounds like the charges against me.
As some others have already said, lets save Jack, for another thread.
Lastly you said........
“I look forward to your thorough reply”
What you call “thorough”, most will call “long winded”!