Yes because the problem didn't start with Trump. It started decades ago with the establishment and it ongoing mishandling of the economy, and then there is inflation and the tax system that Trump is addressing.
None of that is Trump's fault, though. Trump's job is not produce jobs. His job is to create an environment that encourages job growth and encourages companies to come and/or stay in the US. If you need jobs, you need to call on the private sector to create them. Jobs are created by the private sector, not the president.
No, that would be illegal, but that is what the Dems want. They want an unbeatable majority that they can use to remain in power indefinitely, because the Dems only want power. They don't care about actually governing. If you listen to them on the campaign trail, it is all about what they want to take away from us, and pretty much nothing about policy that actually works.
Biden is nothing. He is plagiarist, and he was batting 0 when he ran in 2008. That tells us a lot about his character. Biden is running on name recognition and Obama's coat tails. He hasn't been in a debate yet, and that is where his numbers will drop. Trump has positive record for economic growth, lower unemployment, lower taxes, a stronger military and many other things. Trump is the anti-Obama and Trump is rolling back the policies of that failed administration and bringing back prosperity and standing up to our fake allies and our opponents.
The Dems have no one that can beat Trump because they are all too far left, too busy trying give away the farm, and they have some kookiest ideas ever put forth by political candidates. They don't have the class of Kennedy. JFK would roll over in his grave if he could see the kind of party the Dems have devolved into.