"I know you addressed Rev. Mitchell, but look at Matt. 18.15-17, 1 Cor. Chapter 5, and 2 Thess.
3:6 and 14.
This is to be done after confronting the person in private, trying to show him he needs to repent, and bringing him before the church. If he does not repent at any of these points, he is to leave the fellowship.
OK, lets look at those.
It doesnt say in Matt 18, 15-17 to throw him out of the church.
It says in those passages that he is to be like a tax collector or heathen.
welcomed the
heathen and
tax collectors. Thats why He was hated so much by many of the Pharisees and others who were prideful and self rightious. He welcomed the whore when she wanted to approach Him and even minister to Him.
If these people are part of the organised ministry in some way, they should lose their position, but not be thrown out of the church.
In the 1st Corinthians situation this was
not simply people in the fellowship who were struggling with a sexual sin problem.
These were EXCEEDINGLY grievious sins that were
so deplorable that
even the Gentiles (meaning the lost heathens of course) considered it to be horrifying. These were mothers and sons, and daughters and fathers...having sexual relations with one another. And Gods people were glorying in how "liberal" they were and how they were
condoning this for some reason.
Thats a lot different than a church
preaching and teaching the truth, yet allowing those struggling with some sexual sin to continue to be welcome to attend.
In 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-15 I dont see anything about throwing brothers or sisters out of the church, but rather disassociating with them in the work of minstry. Not throwing them out of the church. Paul was carefull to say "Yet do not count Him as an enemy, but admonish him as a
If we are supposed to throw people out of the church because they are stuggling with some sin, than whats the deal with the book of Ephesians?
In Ephesians 4: 17 through 5: 8, the scriptures identify people...
in the church fellowship...struggling with the following sins:
Lying (4: 25)
Excessive anger (4: 26)
Stealing (4: 28)
Corrupt communication (4: 29)
Fornication (5: 3)
Filthiness, course talking and jesting (5: 4)
This is all going on...IN THE CHURCH, and there is not one single word about throwing them out of the church.
What DOES God say to them?
To the one lying He says....stop lying and start being honest. Why? Because "You are members of one another".
To the ones committing sexual immorality God says to "put it off" because..."Its not fitting for saints"
To the ones stealing He says to stop, because its better than he "have something to give to those in need".
And to all of these people...people struggling with sin in the church...
"For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the Light"
"See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, for the days are evil."
There is nothing in here about throwing them out of the church. Just good solid wisdom from God...teaching them to "put off the old man" so that they can "put on the new man" and walk consistently Christ.
Sealed in the body of Christ for redemption, and secured for heaven.
God does not tell us...Do it or I will throw you out!!!!
God says...Put the new man on because its the only thing that fits you. And your life will be so much better when you do. Because God
does chastise His children.
He does that...not us.