Then why is it wrong for MV's to translate it as "cattle's reaction to thunder"? Isn't that what you're having to do?? You're having to re-translate it to your own modern language because otherwise it makes no sense.
Why do we have to try to figure out what it means because it's written in 400 yr old language? Why is it wrong to have a Bible written in the modern English that we speak?
If that is all the Modern Versions did, you would have an excellent point, but that is not what they did. It is from a completely different text that leaves out thousands of words and dozens of verses. The modern versions often give a very different meaning or interpretation to scripture.
Now, you know this, it was about 3 years ago when a modern version troubled you because it made you believe it was a sin to get angry for any reason. You learned that the King James said it is a sin to be angry at someone WITHOUT CAUSE. If you have a legitimate reason to be angry then it is not a sin.
I can think of a half dozen times when discussing various subjects here on the BB that a modern version gave a very different meaning than the KJB. In fact, I can think of many times when I saw a modern version gave a completely different meaning, but I did not say anything.
And if you are honest, you know that is absolutely true.
The modern versions aren't simply making the KJB easy to read, they often give a completely different meaning to scripture.