What is your daily reading plan? I want to complete the OT AS I have already read the NT through several times. A study bible can be helpful to read through for the notes, Maps, charts, etc.. Not sure if I will use the ESV/NIV AS I MAY switch back and forth given how sometimes the literal rendering can be awkward in contemporary English and why the NIV has the advantage at times. But the ESV is in the same line as the KJV and is probably the most accurate translation in English.
But in all honesty when I meet Amos in heaven what If he asked if I read his book and I said no I read MacArthurs FaithWorks and all of RC SPROUL instead... What an embarrassment!!!!
But in all honesty when I meet Amos in heaven what If he asked if I read his book and I said no I read MacArthurs FaithWorks and all of RC SPROUL instead... What an embarrassment!!!!
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