Do you understand the passover meal? Have you ever ate the Seder? If you have, you realize the symbolism. You realize that it is done as a means of remembrance.
Now, understand that Jesus was performing the Seder in the upper room. But, he changed up the symbolism by declaring himself to be the lamb who was slain. He expressed that the disciples must eat his flesh (the Lamb of God) and drink his blood (of atonement) not as real flesh and blood, but as symbolic flesh and blood.
Jesus said his flesh was real food and his blood real drink, not symbolic food and symbolic drink.
The Israelites ate the Passover Lamb.
Jews don’t celebrate many Passover’s, the Passover to them is One Night. Why is this night different from all other nights? It was on THIS night that God delivered the people of Israel from bondage.
This means that all Jews are present at the same one Passover throughout time.
When Jesus said “ This is my Body “ it became His Body and when He said “ this is the Cup of my Blood “ it became His blood.
No words of Christ can go out and not be fulfilled. He could not declare it his body and it not be so. What Jesus says is so, even if we do not understand, His Words are reality.
Had Jesus been speaking literally, the disciples would have recoiled at the breaking of the law in drinking blood (human blood) and eating raw, uncooked flesh. Clearly they recognized the symbolism within the Seder and saw what Jesus was doing.
Many of Jesus followers did recoil from Jesus words and no longer followed him. “ Saying How can this man give us his flesh to eat”
It's a shocking teaching that Jesus had to ask his disciples “ Will you also leave me “.
It was then that Peter said “ Lord whom to shall we go, you have Words of everlasting Life” He made a supernatural act of Faith in Jesus Words. I advise people who are struggling with the Word to do the same.
It was only latter at the Last Supper that Jesus revealed how this was to take place.
Yet there are some of you who do not believe.”For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. 65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”
66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.
68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
70 Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!”71 (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.)
Judas did not believe Jesus flesh was real food and blood real drink, and when did he betray Jesus? At the Last Supper. Not believing and eating the body and blood leads to destruction.
So instead of eating the flesh and drinking the blood and abiding in Jesus and Jesus in him, “ It was then that Satan entered him “
Receiving the Eucharist without believing or unworthily brings a horrific curse in the Covenant.
Only those who believe can eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ, it brings Eternal Life to those who believe and death to those who don’t.
Only a supernatural Faith granted by the Father will make one believe.