Galatians 3:27 Gill C&P, because he knows the Bible is fun.
Others, not so much.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ,....
Not that it is to be imagined that these churches of Galatia,
or any of the primitive churches consisted of baptized
and unbaptized persons;
for this would be acting contrary to the commission of Christ
and the order of the Gospel: but this way of speaking
supposes that
there might be some of them,
who though baptized in water, yet not into Christ;
and that those who are truly and rightly baptized,
who are proper subjects of it,
and to whom it is administered in a proper manner,
are baptized into Christ:
not that by baptism they are brought into union with Christ,
but into communion with him; (by their testimony and submission,
to His Command),
for they are not merely
baptized in his name, and
by his authority,
according to his command, and
into his doctrine,
and a profession of him;
(by their testimony and submission, to His Command to be baptized)
but into a participation of the blessings of grace which are in him,
and come through his sufferings and death;
for they that are (water)
baptized into Christ
are (water) baptized into his death and resurrection from the dead;
(by their testimony and submission,
to His Command to be baptized into one of His churches)
they are led by faith to behold the cleansing of their souls,
and the remission of their sins by his blood,
and their justification by his righteousness;
how he was delivered for their offenses,
died for their sins, was buried in the grave,
and their iniquities with him, and rose again for their justification;
of all which, (water) baptism, performed by immersion,
is a lively emblem; and this is to be baptized into Christ,
namely, being (water) baptized believing in him,
and calling on his name: and such
have put on Christ; both before and at
(water) baptism:
before it they put him on
(as Identifying with Jesus in the picture of
water baptism) as the Lord their righteousness;
his righteousness is compared to a garment, is called the best robe,
the wedding garment, fine linen, clean and white,
the robe of righteousness, a garment down to the feet;
(what they are pictureing in
water baptism)
is imputed to the elect of God by the Father,
through a gracious act of his, and what they are clothed
and covered with by the Son,
and is put upon them and applied unto them by the Spirit;
(when they were saved)
and which faith receiving puts off its own rags of righteousness,
and makes use of this as its proper dress to appear in
before the most High;
and such through divine grace are enabled to put off the old man
and put on the new; (now that they were saved)
that is, walk in their outward lives and conversation,
not according to the dictates of corrupt nature (now that they were saved).