There's nothing to justify. God allows it, encourages it, that settles it.I'm not sure legality has anything to do with it. There are lots of legal things that aren't right.
Drinking to get drunk or to lose control so that you end up drunk is wrong.
There isn't anything as specific in the bible about drugs as have been referenced, because frankly they didn't exist as we know them today. Sure they had herbs that might make you loopy and perhaps more if taken in huge amounts, but nothing of the strength we are capable of making today.
The key seems to me to be "recreational". Whatever you do, do as unto the Lord (1 Cor 10:31; Col 3:17). It would just seem hard to justify being high as something that could glorify the Lord.
That being said I believe cannabis derivatives, should be legal drugs available to patients through their doctors. The synthetics are not as effective and cost a whole lot more. Hemp should also be a crop farmers could grow.
Sorry...replied to the wrong thread. Meant to reply to Zaac's straw man of needing to justify it.
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