My understanding is that Arminianism involves a couple of things:
Salvation by faith plus works.
Possible loss of salvation (falling from grace, apostasy).
I don't know any Baptists who would fit this label.
I know, I know, some Free-Will Baptists and General Baptists believe in apostasy, but not in works salvation. I'm talking SBC here.
The best descriptor I can come up with for SBC-ers who are not Calvinists is "non-Calvinist."
Well....Arminianism never entails "faith + works"....never.
Your post means well, and there are certainly S.B.C's who are not Calvinist who also deny the label "Arminian"....but usually that's only because they believe in "Eternal Security"...something which, strictly speaking, Arminians don't "deny" (but are at least open to)....
Most of those who insist on the meaningless and awkward term "non-Cal", REALLY ARE "Arminians"...they just don't like to own it, or are confused as to it's meaning.
Arminianism, however, never believes in "faith + works"....never.
Even those Arminians who
do believe that one can "lose" their salvation, usually believe that that is due to a choice to "forfeit" and willingly...not because they sinned too much or weren't "good" enough.
Personally...I loathe the meaningless moniker "non-Cal". It means essentially nothing. Buddhists are "non-Cals"...and so are Muslims. "Non-Cal" is, to me, an essentially cowardly term devised to simply insulate oneself from EVER being nailed down on any point of Theology. WE SHOULD have points we can be "NAILED DOWN" on though. I claim "Arminianism"...only the caveat that I don't accept "Original Guilt".. Outside of that, I'm "Arminian" though.