I’m not going to waste my time going into detail to explain to you why another one of your “clueless” attempts to call a fallacy has merely once again demonstrated that you don’t understand what you’re talking about, but here’s a hint: I did not misrepresent my opponent’s view because I did not say nor did I imply that position was to bring in millions upon millions of refugees – I said the refugees we are bringing in will NOT solve the problem because of how many there are makes solving that problem impossible as was demonstrated number-wise in the video. Other issues are involved after that but I KNOW you wouldn't be able to follow in that depth, so...
Now, what I think should be embarrassing once again for you, is that you don’t even realize is that it is clear that in fact you have misrepresented my position by incorrectly saying I misrepresented your/his position and therefore once again while you've made a feeble attempt to call out a strawman you've hilariously ended up making one yourself in the process through misrepresenting my position. At this point I'd say, shame on you, but probably better I give you the benefit of doubt that it could be your ignorance of fallacy terms and meanings rather than an intentional disingenuously misrepresentation of my position, so... .
Blah, blah, blah.
You got one thing right--the less you go into detail, the better.
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