I didn't say it provided only blacks with ANY heretofore "unrealized rights"...
It re-affirmed their right to vote and hold public office..
It was one of the "Reconstruction Ammendments".
It was there to force previously Confederated States to recognize any freedman's right to vote and hold office....
It is utterly SILENT on their right to, say, not be murdered in their sleep for fun. What it does not do...is provide any homosexual (or heterosexual) the right to force anyone to engage in a business contract which is expressly against their conscience.
Absolutely not.
A 5-year-old does not posses a FEDERAL GUARANTEE of a "RIGHT" to "do business" on Main Street.
But, what you want isn't a right to do business on Main Street..
You are using the 14th Ammendment to insist that the Federal Government has a right to actually FORCE someone who has no desire to engage in business on Main Street with a particular person due to conscience, to be required by Constitutional mandate and threat of force to do business with anyone that T.N.D. thinks they should be forced to engage in a contractual obligation with.
That's sick and it's tyranny.
Inasmuch as the 14th Ammendment's proviso for the right to vote and hold office.....
Not a bit.
Not in the least.
I have...
So did those who crafted the 14th Ammendment.
So did those who granted Women's Suffrage in the early 20th Century with an entirely new Ammendment we all know and love, namely, the 19th Ammendment.
Neither Congress, nor the Presidents nor any Supreme Court believed that the second word of the 14th Ammendment guarantees a woman the right to "vote".
That's why an entirely new Ammendment had to be passed 60-some-odd years later.
I'm sure they would be amazed to here me say that no non-taxpaying Indians were protected by that Ammendment, (they are specifically excluded)....
But they are still "persons".
Here's another class of "persons" also excluded from those protections:
Anyone essentially guilty of treason:
I will cite BOTH exclusions for you.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed
"Non-taxed" Indians are not protected by this Ammendment.
Here's where women are excluded clearly:
But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States,
Women and Indians and Traitors....and persons under the age of 21 are all "persons"....
But this Ammendment was crafted to protect a certain class of citizen's right to:
1.) Due process (that's not forcing everyone to engage in business with you)
2.) The right to vote (that's not forcing everyone to engage in business with you)
3.) The right to hold public office (that's not forcing everyone to engage in business with you).
That has NOTHING to do with why so many opposed the ERA.
It absolutely does not cover "EVERYONE"...
It excludes at least 3 classes of persons:
1.) Women
2.) Indians not taxed
3.) Anyone under the age of 21
You are wrong...dead wrong.
of course they were un-willing to and here's why:
Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States,
That's because the SCOTUS didn't presume to ask stupid legal question like:
"Are you saying women aren't persons??"
Like you did.
The SCOTUS wasn't presuming to be Philosopher Kings about the Philosophical identity of personhood...
They read the Ammendment as written....
and it excludes women.
No they would not.
Given the 14th Ammendment he has absolutely no case whatsoever....
No standing, no case.
Maybe. So what?
Which Ammendment is it, specifically, which guarantees everyone the right to
"not be singled-out because of their life-style or sin"???
Oh, that's right...
You claim the 14th Ammendment provides Federal protection against being "singled-out" because of lifestyle.
Please quote the text of the Ammendment if you will sir.
So what??
Take your own argument where you want:
You insist that all persons should be forced by law to engage in business contracts with any person even if it goes expressly against their conscience...
You supplied the 14th Ammendment as proof of your assertion that the Constitution demands that the Federal Government forcibly demand this from all citizens...
I have yet to see you make your legal case which requires that.
It's not the job of a Federal judge to play God and answer that question by citing the 14the Ammendment as you do.
The 14th Ammendment doesn't mention a right to Universal protection against "double-standards"...
The unrealistic expectation that bald men are often considered "sexy" by many women... (let's cite Patrick Stewart)
But the unfortunate reality that wrinkles on an aging woman's face is rarely considered "sexy" (let's cite the heretofore quite attractive Elizabeth Taylor) constitutes an unfair "double-standard"...
But, much to your chagrin....
The 14th Ammendment doesn't protect women from that particular un-fairness,
Although, if I understand your novel concept of legal interpretation, it apparently does.