Heavenly Pilgrim
New Member
sbm: To say one is regenerated through Faith is False Teaching, neither does Eph 2:8-9 Teach that.
HP: Technically speaking, 'in a sense', you are correct. Faith itself is not meritorious in nature, neither is it the grounds of our salvation.
sbm: Mans Faith has absolutely nothing to do with New Birth, it is totally and Sovereignly a work of The Spirit of God ! Jn 3:8
HP: In this you are absolutely wrong. Again, we are NOT saved as you say 'by' our faith, but neither will anyone be saved 'apart from' our faith.
Faith is a condition of salvation, and as such is NOT thought of in any meritorious sense or context. Still, faith IS required by God from us, 'without which' it is impossible to please God. Faith, as well as all conditions of salvation, are ALWAYS thought of in the sense of 'not without which,' and never in the sense of 'that for the sake of.'
The ONLY grounds of salvation, and source or merit by which man is saved, is the grace and mercy of God via the shed blood of Christ.