12Strings, unless one is caught up in the addiction of kinky s-e-x the looking twice at a pretty young heifer in her mini-skirt and bubbling over the top of her blouse, is hardly the same as being addicted to alcohol. But then again, it certainly can be.
Yes, it's all sinful and contrary to the way our Lord desires we live as Christians. However, an addiction can and will continue to plague any Christian so long as they live depending on the severity of the addiction. A chemical addiction must rank at the top of the list. As I'm sure you are aware of, there are Preachers and Pastors out there fighting an addiction battle daily.
When we get right down to brass tacks, all of us who post on this forum are addicted to something..., if we will only admit it. Just admit it to yourself.
Yes, I've an addiction but find that with the help of the Lord I can steer clear of the enticement. At my age (66) I have become so much more wiser and on more solid ground that perhaps one who is 25 and battling a curse. I can understand now more so than in my younger days as the Lord has opened my eyes to better understanding.
If one says they are without sin they are a liar and the truth is not in them. Could "sin" then, all "sin" be ranked as an addiction of one sort or another? I think so.
Yes, it's all sinful and contrary to the way our Lord desires we live as Christians. However, an addiction can and will continue to plague any Christian so long as they live depending on the severity of the addiction. A chemical addiction must rank at the top of the list. As I'm sure you are aware of, there are Preachers and Pastors out there fighting an addiction battle daily.
When we get right down to brass tacks, all of us who post on this forum are addicted to something..., if we will only admit it. Just admit it to yourself.
Yes, I've an addiction but find that with the help of the Lord I can steer clear of the enticement. At my age (66) I have become so much more wiser and on more solid ground that perhaps one who is 25 and battling a curse. I can understand now more so than in my younger days as the Lord has opened my eyes to better understanding.
If one says they are without sin they are a liar and the truth is not in them. Could "sin" then, all "sin" be ranked as an addiction of one sort or another? I think so.