Originally posted by jcrawford:
Since I do recognize racial variation within both the present and past human race, I don't deny there is such a thing as race.
You say there is only one human race and there are several races which are human....how is that not a contradiction of terms?
If all races are the same race, the human race, then there can only be one race, not many races. If one race is many races, then singular is plural - no, this "theory" of yours contradicts itself.
Rather do I deny the right of neo-Darwinists to label any of our ethnic ancestors as different 'species,' without being considered practitioners of neo-Darwinist racism.
That's just it - the Neanderthals, whom
you claim to be some "ethnic" race, are
not our ancestors, any more than your cousin is your ancestor.
However, just as you and your cousin have common ancestors, so do Neanderthals and homo sapiens - and those ancestors have been traced to Africa. Therefore, even if you could've claimed Neanderthal descent, Africa would still figure into your heritage, but perhaps more distantly.
Also, rather than calling any posters on this forum racists, I only claim that Darwin and leading neo-Darwinist theorists of the last century were 'scientific' racists.
You are not claiming that evolutionary biologists of this century and those who accept their theories are 'scientific racists'?
Originally posted by jcrawford:
Unfortunately though, when applied to human beings and our human ancestors, evolutionist theories of multiple human 'specie's become unwittingly, inherently and inexorably racist by denying human origins and descent from any other geographic location or people than in Africa.
Actually, evolutionist theory doesn't preclude descent from other geographic locations, just that the further back in time you go, the closer to Africa. Evolutionists trace the Neanderthals' ancestors back to Africa as well so claiming descent from them is still descent from Africa.
The African Eve Model is especially racist because it presumes (without acceptable evidence) that modern Asians, Europeans and others could not possibly have evolved from early or archaic Homo sapiens in Asia and Europe because more 'highly advanced and evolved' Homo sapiens (read genetic superiority here) like African Eve's tribe migrated out of Africa causing all other 'sub-species' of human beings all over the world to become extinct. If that isn't a scientific scenario for racial conquest of the world by neo-Dawinist ape-lovers, I can't think of a more racist script.
Actually you are misunderstanding here - evolutionary biologists are not saying that moderm man
could not possibly have evolved from others, they are simply saying the genetic evidence is that they
did not. They do not all claim that the later African immigrants were superior or that they "caused" the others to go extinct - the cause is unknown (could've been inferior warfare, could've been luck, could've been the hand of God, dunno).
Originally posted by jcrawford:
It may not matter to you what I think or what I like but the fact remains that the African Eve Model of Homo sapiens migration out of Africa into Asia and Europe is a racist theory because there is no evidence of Asian and European Homo sapiens racial groups evolving out of some racial group in Africa except for the racial tests which the Berkely chemists did on 136 women of various racial backgrounds.
That is simply untrue. In one post alone (my 2nd to last on page one), I gave you six links to various studies. If you follow the footnotes on them, then the footnotes on those, you'll get a ton of studies which concur on that point and the point that Neanderthal DNA is not a paternal match (there are markers on the Y-chromosone) and the matches they find (and don't find) among modern men all over the world lead back to Africa.