And, Marcia,
The same Church whose teachings you are so quick to condemn, is the same Church that (with the guidance of the Holy Spirit) determined which books made up the canon of the NT. You trust the Catholic Church to have gotten that right but figure it is in error on everything else.
Hi Lori:
I appreciate the effort you have put in on sticking up for Catholics against the vitriol some people here are addicted to spewing against them. I really do. I got tired, and am glad to see someone doing it.
On the other hand, your statement above is not factually correct. The Orthodox make the same claim: that is was THEY who determined `what the Bible is.' You see, Catholicism did not split from Orthodoxy until 1054. It is therefore not possible that the Catholic church "determined which books" belong in the Bible.
Catholic polemicists say the Catholic church gave us the Bible, and Orthodox polemicists say that the Orthodox gave us the Bible. Now, whose claim do I accept on this? Neither.
2 Timothy 3:16a says "All Scripture is breathed out by God" (ESV). God gave us the Scriptures. The Scriptures would be Scripture whether anyone acknowledged them to be such or not. No human can turn Scripture into `not Scripture,' and no human can make what is not Scripture into Scripture.
Because of your activity here, I am sympathetic to what you do. We need people who will speak up when those who hate Catholics try to spread it. However, you only alienate people when you claim credit for Rome on something that God should get credit for. If you really feel that way, please keep it to yourself.