It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the devil can influence new Christians into believing some sort of "Me, my wife, son John, his wife, us four and no more" nonsense.
The carnal Christian wants to limit God's elect to those who are exactly like themselves in all matters of faith, practice, doctrine, etc.
And they almost always develop a critical spirit. They seem to think God has given them the ministry of judgmentalism rather than the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation).
And the really sad thing is they fail to understand both the nature of Christ and the nature of redemption.
By failing to understand Christ they try to cleave Him in two by separating Him into a dichotomy of Savior on one hand and Lord on the other. They can't seem to understand He is both, and those are two aspects of the same, inseparable, nature of Christ.
Likewise they fail to understand that salvation is not by repentance, or turning, or even faith. Salvation is by the unmerited grace of God, and that regenerating grace, when applied to the lost man, causes him to repent (μετανοια - to be of another mind, or change his mind, about Who God is, who he is, Who Christ is, and what sin is), believe, and turn.
This type of shallow, "me, me, but not you" childish "theology" is how cults get started. They decide to exclude anyone not exactly like them then try to find scripture to support their silly theories.
"Millennial Exclusion." "Lordship Salvation." "Pants on women." "Long hair on boys." "Pre, Mid, Pre-wrath, Post trib, denying the salvation of anyone who holds a different position. Premill, amill, postmill. The Ordo Salutis. Supralapsarianism, Antelapsarianism, Infralapsarianism, Sublapsarianism, Postlapsarianism.
And the list goes on and on and on. And each and every one of the above has been used by carnal Christians to attack the salvation of their brothers and sisters in Christ.
The state of Christendom is on a sure and steady decline. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!