You must take in all accounts of the Great Commission rather than merely picking and choosing the one you want to obey. "Go" preach the gospel and baptizing are but two aspects of a threefold command to "make disciples" (Mt. 28:19-20). The third aspect is "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded." Look at my previous post and you will see that not all Christians are authorized to "make disciples" because not all Christians have been baptized or instructed how to observe his commandments and that would be like authorizing the blind to lead the blind, as one cannot teach what he has not yet learned.
I am all for making disciples. I just have not made any in my experience. But I am still preaching the gospel to every creature (NIV) as far as I can on the streets. As JonC said God expects "faithfulness" and faithfulness does not always bring forth numerical results.